

The AfricaDays@HecParis is a yearly event bringing together HEC Paris community for discussions on topics relevant to Africa's development.

By HEC Paris

Date and time

Tuesday, May 11, 2021 · 7:30 - 10:30am PDT



About this event

Within the context of the AfricaDays@HecParis, a conference is organized featuring renowned speakers for discussions about issues relevant to Africa's development. SHARE AFRICA is the partner of this 4th edition.

The event - fully online - is scheduled to take place on May 11, 2021 from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm (Paris time).

This year, two discussion panels will take place :

1. Green industrialization in Africa (in English)

2. Women entrepreneurship in Africa (in French)


16:30-16:45 - Opening remarks



Prof. Carlos LOPES, High Representative of the Commission of the African Union since 2018.

Carlos Lopes is a Bissau-Guinean development economist and civil servant. He was executive secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa from September 2012 to October 2016, and is a visiting fellow at the Oxford Martin School of the University of Oxford, and a visiting professor at the Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance of the UCT University.

He has recently published :

« L'Afrique est l'avenir du monde - Repenser le développement » (Seuil, 2021)

“Africa in Transformation; Economic Development in the Age of Doubt” (Springer, 2018)

Thione NIANG, social entrepreneur, farmer, political strategist, and author, he now leads three international organizations: give1project, JeufZone Farms, and Akon lighting Africa-Solektra International.

By 2015 Thione Niang was appointed by President Obama, as Ambassador to the US Ministry of Energy. He is the author of 5 books.

Moderator: Nicholas Norbrook, The Africa Report


Green industrialization seems to be a way forward for Africa: “It is the precondition for sustainable and inclusive growth,” highlights the Economic Report on Africa 2016: Greening Africa’s Industrialization, published by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa(ECA). African policymakers have been responsive, and "green industrialization" is emerging as “the Holy Grail” of socio-economic transformation on the continent. The introduction of green initiatives in value chain activities from sourcing and processing raw materials to marketing and selling finished products to customers, can address economic stagnation.

WHAT could be the role of more industrially developed countries, responsible for so much damage to the planet?

WHAT Place do African nations occupy in this challenge? Indeed, what lessons can western nations learn from Africa?

WHAT are the responsibilities of civil society, the private sector and public policy makers?

WHAT place should the finance industry hold in this revolution? Can it save the planet?

WHAT message should the African continent send out to the rest of the world?

Here are some of the questions that the talk will address, shedding light on crucial questions and, hopefully, providing some answers.


Rebecca ENONCHONG, Fondatrice et Directrice de Appstech, Présidente d'ActivSpaces au Cameroun, Rebecca Enonchong est une entrepreneure philanthrope classée parmi les 50 africains les plus influents par Jeune Afrique.

Laureen KOUASSI-OLSSON, Fondatrice et Directrice de Appstech, Présidente d'ActivSpaces au Cameroun, Rebecca Enonchong est une entrepreneure philanthrope classée parmi les 50 africains les plus influents par Jeune Afrique.

Mbasse SENE, Fondatrice et Directrice de FOX Multiservices, entreprise à dimension sociale spécialisée dans le nettoyage qui entend valoriser le personnel d'entretien.

Esther DASSANOU, Coordinatrice du programme "Discrimination positive en matière de financement pour les femmes d'Afrique" de la Banque Africaine de développement, dont l'objectif est de combler le déficit de financement des femmes entrepreneures d'Afrique.

Christian KAMAYOU, Fondateur de MyAfricanStartUp, plateforme qui vise la mise en relation des start-ups africaines avec le grand public et les investisseurs.

Modérateur : Daniel Brown, journaliste et Responsable éditorial à HEC Paris


On dit souvent que l'Afrique est le continent où il y a le plus de femmes entrepreneures, mais cela est plus souvent dû aux conditions dans lesquelles elles doivent évoluer qu'à une réelle vocation. Avec le plus grand pourcentage de femmes entrepreneures au monde, l’Afrique domine le secteur de l’entreprenariat féminin à l’échelle internationale. Leur dynamisme représente une véritable opportunité pour l’économie du continent et leur engagement un réel avantage pour la société.

Parmi les questions qui seront posées lors du débat :

• Les femmes deviennent-elles entrepreneures par choix ou par nécessité ?

• Quels sont les obstacles particuliers auxquels ces femmes doivent faire face et comment les surmonter ?

• Quels sont les bénéfices pour l’économie locale et la société ?

19:15-19h30 - Conclusions

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