Ace LA: Topic Discussion - Are the Allos Okay?

Ace LA: Topic Discussion - Are the Allos Okay?

Join us for a focused discussion on the topic of relationships with allos (allosexuals, people who are not on the asexual spectrum).

By Ace Los Angeles

Date and time

Monday, October 26, 2020 · 6:30 - 8pm PDT



About this event

In addition to our monthly (digital) casual social meetups, we'll be trying focused, topic specific meetings. If you're interested in discussing, or hearing more about the chosen topic, please join us. All participation levels are welcome and the discussion will be moderated.

Our topic this time is "Are the Allos Okay?" We'll talk about navigating relationships with allo friends, family members, etc., the issues that come up in those relationships, and how we deal with those issues.

Organized by

Ace Los Angeles, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit social meetup and educational and outreach group for asexuals (ace for short) and aromantics in the southern California area. We host social meetups twice a month. Additionally, we raise awareness through outreach and educational presentations and events.

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