A Tribe for Jazz Presents Acclaimed Taiwanese Vibraphonist Yuhan Su

A Tribe for Jazz Presents Acclaimed Taiwanese Vibraphonist Yuhan Su

Experience the mesmerizing vibes of Yuhan Su live in concert!

By A Tribe for Jazz

Date and time

Saturday, June 22 · 7 - 8:30pm EDT


Joseph V. Canzani Center

60 Cleveland Avenue Columbus, OH 43215

About this event

  • 1 hour 30 minutes

🎶 Don't Miss Vibraphonist Yuhan Su Live in Concert! 🌟

Join us for an enchanting evening of jazz fusion with the incredibly talented vibraphonist Yuhan Su. Renowned for her unique style and virtuosity, Yuhan blends elements of traditional jazz with contemporary influences, creating a mesmerizing musical journey that is both captivating and soulful.

Experience the magic as Yuhan's mallets dance across the vibraphone, transporting you to another realm. Whether you're a jazz aficionado or simply love great music, this is an event not to be missed! Grab your tickets now and prepare to be swept away by the enchanting sounds of Yuhan Su live in concert.

This performance is presented in partnership with the Columbus College of Art and Design, with generous support from the Greater Columbus Arts Council and the Ohio Arts Council.

About Yuhan Su

Recent nomination for the DownBeat Critics Poll in the category “Rising Star” of Vibraphone, New York based Taiwanese vibraphonist Yuhan Su has been living in the US since moving to Boston in 2008 to study at Berklee. Yuhan’s three records release as a leader including City Animals(2018, Sunnyside Record), A Room of One’s Own(2015, Inner Circle Music) and Flying Alone(2012, Inner Circle Music), have received widespread approval and numerous music awards and nominations, including ‘Best Jazz Album of the Year’, ‘Best New Artist’, ’ Best Jazz Single’, ‘Best Instrumentalist Award’ from the Golden Indie Music Award and ‘Best Performance Album of the year’, ’Best Composer Award’ from the Golden Melody Award in Taiwan, and “Best Release of the Year” by All about Jazz and Downbeat. Yuhan has led her project and toured around the world including Spain, Germany, France, Austria, Hungary, Belgium, Japan, Taiwan, China, Singapore. Besides, she performed with different projects in New York including Brian Krock’s Big Heart Machine, Miho Hazama’s M_Unit, Kyle Saulnier’s Awakening Orchestra, Greg Osby's Sextet, Amir Elsaffar’s Rivers of Sounds, Jason Yeager’s Septet, and more. Yuhan is also a featured artist at Alternate Mode (MalletKat) and Resta Jay Percussions.

蘇郁涵為美國爵士樂最重要雜誌DownBeat 提名為年度「崛起新秀」的爵士鐵琴家,活躍於世界樂壇,至今出版三張專輯「孤獨飛行」、「自己的房間」、「城市型動物」,曾獲台灣金音創作獎最大獎「年度最佳專輯」、「最佳爵士專輯」、「最佳爵士單曲」、「最佳樂手」、「最佳新人」,並多次入圍金曲獎「最佳演奏類專輯」、「最佳作曲人」、「最佳專輯製作人」、「最佳演奏錄音專輯」獎項。

蘇郁涵精湛的演奏技巧與風格獨具的爵士創作,在國際樂壇皆不斷地獲得極大的肯定,DownBeat雜誌以「像是一本最好的小說,說盡了所有的美好」,獲得四顆星的激賞評價,入選為Downbeat 雜誌和All About Jazz樂評網之年度最佳專輯,譽為根植於傳統而創新鮮活的當代之星,紐約爵士唱片日報和紐約音樂日報等多家媒體盛讚其「閃亮而激進的觸撃」、「深度. 聰慧. 機智和力量的展現 」、「精準. 敏銳. 流暢而果決的演奏 」、「迷人充滿才智與喜悅,無法抗拒的感染力」,國際領導音樂串流平台Bandcamp稱「城市型動物」專輯抵達了新的巔峰高度。

蘇郁涵畢業於美國Berklee College of Music,主修爵士鐵琴演奏,以及台北藝術大學管弦與擊樂研究所打擊樂演奏碩士。出身苗栗的客家人,蘇郁涵也用其所學的爵士語彙帶入爵士創作,曾以『頭哪毛的色』榮獲台灣原創流行音樂大賽客語組冠軍,蘇郁涵長年於世界各國巡迴演出其個人作品,足跡遍佈美國、西班牙、法國、奧地利、德國、匈牙利、日本、中國、義大利等,並在台灣爵士樂壇與眾多知名爵士樂手合作,曾參加台中爵士音樂節、台北爵士音樂節、兩廳院夏日爵士派對『咆哮吧帕克精神』等演出。

About A Tribe for Jazz

A Tribe for Jazz is a Columbus-based nonprofit whose mission is to preserve the legacy and advance the future of jazz through visual storytelling, live and virtual performances, education, and community engagement. To learn more about their exciting array of programmign visit: www.atribeforjazz.org

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