A parent’s guide to unlocking your child’s mental wellness_

A parent’s guide to unlocking your child’s mental wellness_

Empower your child to feel confident and resilient again using 3 powerful and effective mindfulness practices.

By Kris Rice Wellness

Date and time

March 8, 2023 · 11am - June 19 · 11am PST



About this event

Dear parent,

If you're reading this, I already know one defining thing about you: every minute of your day counts. That's why I'm going to make this really simple and make sure you're in the right place.

Read the questions below. If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then you've landed in the right spot:

• Does your child struggle to find mental wellness?

• Are your days filled with chaos and overwhelm?

• By the end of each day do you question how you’ll do it all over again?

I’ve said yes to ALL of these while supporting my daughter’s mental wellness over the past decade. And this is exactly why I've created this workshop - to help you learn proven techniques that restore peace and harmony in your child's life. (And let's be real - your life too.)

Are you ready to discover how to unlock the power of simple mindfulness techniques that actually work?

In 1 hour you will receive:

• Proven strategies to help your child feel less stressed

• Simple techniques to build your child’s confidence

• Mindfulness tools & resources to use in everyday life

Truth: We’re never too young to discover mindfulness practices! In fact the younger the age, the greater ability to arrive with an open mind and a sense of curiosity. Simple mindfulness tools build confidence, focus, calm, and create more joy for everyone. The best part? Zero negative side-effects.

I’m passionate about the power of mindfulness, because in a world that is only becoming increasingly complex, chaotic and unpredictable, being able to ground ourselves and feel safe in our bodies is a gift. It’s a powerful gift I share with my two young daughters. So know this - if I can do this, you can too!

This event is for your child:

• Struggles to embody mental wellness

• Experiences ongoing stress & overwhelm

• Feels more stressed and anxious than ever before

• Lack of tools and resources to handle the stresses of today’s environment

If you’re ready to lean into a new way of supporting your child, giving them the gift of greater confidence, peace and resilience, this workshop is for you!

Sign up today, check your email for details, and arrive ready to go all in! I can't wait to connect with you.

~ Kris


• Plan on a super-efficient and effective 1 hour event

• This event will be held live on Zoom. Details to join will be sent by email prior to the event.

• All that’s required is an open mind and a sense of hope that change is possible.

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