5 YouTube Hacks for Business

5 YouTube Hacks for Business

Learn 5 YouTube businesses hacks from CEO and YouTuber who has influenced $100M+ in buying decisions dominating Google and YouTube search.

By CEO of Video Vangelist (influenced >$100M business on top of video search)



About this event

Hey, I’m Timothy. Thanks for signing up for this webinar.

There are some important points I want to share before we get into this webinar.

Firstly, this webinar has been produced after spending ten years working solidly on Youtube Videos. This is coming from someone who has done everything under the sun on social media.... Including ads, cold pitching, content marketing and whatever new ‘method’ someone comes up with.

This comes from real hands-on experience. I started as a solopreneur on social media and today Video Vangelist has worked with dozens of corporations as well as millions who people watch our content every year.

Secondly, we come to the difficult truth you might not want to read. The days of you posting promotional content and getting clients instantly are over. That ship sailed nearly 10 years ago.

There is some good news though...

You can build a loyal following even if you are a solopreneur. You don’t need a big crowd to be profitable

You don’t need to spend money on ads

You don’t have to spam pitch people

You don’t have to go on camera to make this work It doesn’t have to take hardly any of your time to weaponize YouTube for marketing

Finally, let me share one more thing I’ve learned...

Getting good at social media is a muscle. Today you might only be lifting 5lbs, but if you consistently exercise that muscle, you’ll get stronger, quicker and see better results. If you don’t want to, we can do it for you. Consistency is the key to success on social media whether you're producing content or we are for you.

Three months from now, you can either be nailing it on social media or exactly where you are today. You either commit or you’ll miss the boat.

I’m going to share with you my overview that has helped me go from $0.00 revenue on social media to more than 98% of my revenue coming from organic social media. My last few years I have only paid for web hosting.

After ten years of doing this, I've generated more than $4 million in revenue from social media for my own businesses and influenced buying decisions of more than $100 million for other companies, and raised over $100,000 for nonprofits.

I believe in this.

I live this.

In this webinar, I'm going to show you:

A strategy you can BANK ON to deliver business.

Scale your Influence, Authority and Revenue at the same time

Quit cold pitching and pushy sales tactics

Get videos to show up on Google and YouTube search for your niche

Ok, that's enough shenanigans from me.... Now let's make this happen

Got questions?

Drop us line at tigerteam@videovangelist.com, or book an intro strategy session today on our calendely link below:
