4 Weeks to Greater Health and Relationships (Evidence Based)

4 Weeks to Greater Health and Relationships (Evidence Based)

The Wholistic Health Program © helps target and address key areas that can restore wholeness, health, and relationships.

By Outcomes Excellence, Inc.

Select date and time

Sunday, September 1 · 11am - 1pm PDT



About this event

The Wholistic Health Program uses cognitive behavior therapy and behavior redirection techniques, specifically repetition, to build neural pathways for habits that encourage healthy relationships, improved health, and an increased quality of life. The program shows evidence of positive outcomes by:

• Detoxing physically and mentally.

• Replacing unhealthy habits with positive habits.

• Increasing emotional intelligence.

• Practicing positive self-talk.

• Setting healthy boundaries with important people.

• Addressing and processing traumatic experiences.

• Reshaping the external environment.

• Reshaping inner circles.

• Addressing forgiveness.

• Overcoming fear.

• And many more factors scientifically found to impact relationships, health, and quality of life.

The electronic workbook is required for participation in group coaching, receive both by clicking here.

Frequently asked questions

How do I complete the program?

The workbook for the Wholistic Health Program is required and can be purchased using Paypal (https://www.paypal.com/instantcommerce/checkout/5V2GJKJ2BUTAY). You may also purchase the paperback version on Amazon if preferred (https://a.co/d/fTqFSl0).

What should I expect during the workshop?

1) There is an online training on Zoom the first week to help lay the foundation for the following weeks. 2) The next 3 weeks you will complete the assigned exercises, receive reminders, and video trainings via email to help with successful completion of the program.

Is there a rolling enrollment?

Yes, the program starts over every other month. So, if you're not able to make it the current month, you will be able to attend the next workshop.

Can I join in the middle of the month?

No, if you're unable to make the first date of the workshop, you will be enrolled for the next month. This helps everyone stay on track with the program.

Do I have to stay for the spiritual health section of the program?

The spiritual health component is optional and at the end of each exercise. Everyone who wants to, will have an opportunity to exit before the spiritual health component begins.

If I don't complete the spiritual health exercises is the program shorter?

The program is still four weeks but the individual exercises may require less time each week.

Organized by

Outcomes Excellence, Inc. is a holistic health research institute focused on research, data, and evidence based programs. The Reconnect Program is a holistic and evidence based program offered to the community for free. Reconnect workshops are scheduled every other month to help guide individuals, couples, and families through the program.