20th Annual Devaney-O'Hop Memorial Golf Tournament For Woodbridge Rotary

20th Annual Devaney-O'Hop Memorial Golf Tournament For Woodbridge Rotary

This is the 20th year for our fund raiser honoring 2 of our Golf-Loving Rotarians who are probably playing Heaven's Augusta now

By Woodbridge Rotary Club

Date and time

Friday, June 14 · 7:30am - 2:30pm EDT


Old Hickory Golf Club

11921 Chanceford Drive Woodbridge, VA 22192

Refund Policy

No Refunds


7:30 AM - 8:30 AM

Check In

There will be a chance to buy mulligans, string, door prize and 50/50 tickets. Plus a continental breakfast will be served.

7:30 AM - 8:15 AM

Driving Range Shuttle

There will be an ongoing shuttle to the driving range. Go hit a few and waste some wonderful shots so my foursome has a chance....

8:30 AM - 8:40 AM


Troy Reynolds: Blah, blah, cart path, blah blah, pin placement; here is Mark. Mark: Blah blah Thanks for your support, blah blah.

8:40 AM

Play Golf!!!!!!

Fun, Makeable $10,000 Hole-in-One, Putting contest, making fun of each other, great shots, unlucky shots, how-did-you-do-that shots.

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Lunch/Awards/Door Prizes

About this event

Our friend Joe Devaney passed away March 22, 2005.   In June of 2015 another friend and Rotarian Bill O’Hop passed away barely a week after playing in this tournament.  Both Joe and Bill had among other things, 2 things in common.  They were each other’s best friends and they both loved golf!  We started this charity tournament 19 years ago to honor Joe and now do so to also honor Bill.  Both were longtime Rotarians and pillars of our club and we miss them dearly.

Normal contests plus a Beat-the-Pro & Winable Hole-In-One.  Plus some added events including a few Hickory Club Golfers.

Please help us pay tribute to our dear friends by participating in this tournament and helping us to support our local and international charities.

Frequently asked questions

Is this a charity event?

Yes! Woodbridge Rotary donates all money raised here as well as our Flags For Heroes event to local and international charities to include ShelterBoxUSA, ACTS and ARC of Prince William.

What is the format?

Captain's Choice Scramble. There is not a requirement to use a certain number of drives per player. This is a fun and relaxed event; fun and fund raising are the main points.

Will there be muligans and if so do you have those stupid cards that we have to tear up?

Yes we have mulligans and no it is an honor system. We also sell a team string. If you are not familiar, it is a 4 foot piece of string that is one per team and costs $20. You can use the string to measure a close putt and count it as in..... then cut the section of string an toss it in the trash

Crappy box lunch?

Nope, great food and plenty of it. Not sure if it will be the BBQ menu again or if I am switching to Mexican.

Will there be a beverage cart and snacks?

Great question! If you want to sponsor the beverage cart we'd love you to do so; $1000. Then non-alcoholic beverages are free. If there is no sponsor..... bring some money.... Snacks are available from the carts no matter what.

Organized by

Organized in 1965, Woodbridge Rotary Club is part of the World's Largest Service Organization with over 62,000 clubs and 1.2M+ members.  Our club is heavily involved in our local and international community supporting causes from the eradication of polio to fighting homelessness; and stamping out blood cancers to working with veterans. 

We are looking for both golfers and sponsors for this year's tournament as well as community-minded people looking for a way to be more involved in making the world a better place.

$5 – $2,500