2023 Policy Institute: Tweens, Teens, and Technology

2023 Policy Institute: Tweens, Teens, and Technology

Join us in person for the 2023 Policy Institute on June 6, 2023 as part of events at the Mental Health America Conference.

By Mental Health America

Date and time

Tuesday, June 6, 2023 · 1 - 5pm EDT


Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill

400 New Jersey Avenue NW Washington, DC 20001

About this event

Mental health trends in youth and adolescents over the last five years have shown a decline in wellbeing and increases in isolation and suicidality. Even as access to broadband and telecommunications devices grows awareness of information online about mental health promotion and managing mental health conditions, many youth and young adults face greater rates of depression and suicide, especially LGBTQ and BIPOC youth. This is in contrast with trends in other health conditions for youth such as smoking and pregnancy, which have declined over time.

MHA's 2021 Policy Institute and Report offered ideas for school districts to offer education, services, and supports to address the K-12 student mental health crisis. In 2023, MHA's policy institute will discuss supporting youth mental health through policy to promote internet-based technology designs and guidelines that facilitate age-appropriate content, support, and other positive activity online while eliminating exploitation of brain development stages and human behavior in algorithms designed for social media, gaming, and virtual reality platforms. We will explore research and discuss both the risk factors and protective factors of internet technology use and offer suggestions for policymakers and industry to equip youth for health and wealth. We are again excited to include the voices of young advocates who have been leading efforts locally and nationally to eliminate harmful internet technology practices and will award one young person the 2023 Youth Advocacy Award.


1 p.m.

Welcome Remarks

Mark Salazar, MHA San Francisco

Schroeder Stribling, Mental Health America

1:10 p.m.

Youth Voice Empowered

Featured Youth Advocate

1:15 p.m.

Research Panel on the Risk Factors and Protective Factors of Technology Usage

Moderated by Mitch Prinstein, American Psychological Association

Monica Anderson, Pew Research Center

Fred Dillon, Hopelab

Erlanger Turner, Pepperdine University

Yalda Uhls, Center for Scholars and Storytellers

1:55 p.m.

Moderated Discussion and Question and Answer Session

2:10 p.m.


2:20 p.m.

Fireside Chat on Gaming

Nora Volkow, National Institute on Drug Abuse

Don Mordecai, Kaiser Permanente

2:50 p.m.

Youth Perspectives: Teen Life on Social Media

Moderated by Sydney Daniello, Mental Health America

Juan Acosta, MHA Youth Leadership Council Alumni

Feh Gana, Our Future in Mind Alumni

3:05 p.m.

Policy Panel: Challenges and Innovations

Moderated by Amelia Vance, The Superintendents Association

Nicole Gill, Accountable Tech

Haley Hinkle, Fairplay

Megan Moreno, American Academy of Pediatrics

3:45 p.m.

Moderated Discussion and Question and Answer Session

3:55 p.m.

Youth Advocacy Award Presentation

Presented by Kelly Davis, MHA

4 p.m.

Networking Reception

1-hour networking reception

15-minute mindfulness activity

Sales Ended