2019 HBI Summer Student Lunches

Registrations are closed

Thank you for your interest in the 2019 HBI Summer Student Lunches. Ticket sales for this event has ended, but you still email us at harvardbrainscience@gmail.com to request a seat. We will let you know as soon as possible if there is a space available.

2019 HBI Summer Student Lunches

By Harvard Brain Science Initiative (HBI)


To be announced


The Harvard Brain Science Initiative (HBI) is hosting four summer lunches for high school and undergraduate students interested in neuroscience. Each event features 10-minute talks by neuroscientists at the faculty, postdoc and/or grad student levels, highlighting both research and career trajectories, with ample opportunities for Q&A. These are small group discussions and seating is limited, so please make sure you sign up in advance! Registration for each event will close at noon TWO DAYS prior to each lunch. This event is open to all high school & undergraduate students doing summer work at Harvard and our affiliated hospitals.

We request that each student registers for a max of two lunches to start. If more spaces remain, we will open up registration further.

Scheduled speakers:
Tuesday, July 16th
12:00 - 2:00pm
Northwest Building, Room 243
52 Oxford St, Cambridge

Bertha Madras, PhD (Professor, McLean Hospital)
Tanvi Ranjan (Graduate student, Maurice Smith’s lab)
Stephanie DeCross (Graduate student, Katie McLaughlin’s lab)
Kelly McGuire (Graduate student, Mark Andermann's lab)

Monday, July 22nd
12:00 - 2:00pm
Armenise Building, Room 108
210 Longwood Ave, Boston

Yakeel Quiroz, PhD (Asst. Professor, Massachusetts General Hospital)
Jasmine Reggiani (Graduate Student, Mark Andermann and Chinfei Chen's lab)
Nikita Sturrock (Graduate student, Susan Dymecki's lab)
Rachel Essner (Graduate student, Mark Andermann’s lab)
Taralyn Tan, PhD (Director of Educational Programming for HMS Neurobiology and PiN)

Thursday, July 25th
12:00 - 2:00pm
Northwest Building, Room 425
52 Oxford St, Cambridge

Sam Gershman, PhD (Asst. Professor, Harvard FAS)
Juliana Rhee (Graduate student, David Cox's lab)
Davide Valeriani (PhD (Postdoc, Kristina Simonyan’s lab)
Sarah Hersman PhD (Postdoc, Todd Anthony’s lab)

Thursday, August 1st
12:00 - 2:00pm
Armenise Building, Room 108
210 Longwood Ave, Boston

Lisa Nickerson, PhD (Asst. Professor, McLean Hospital)
Sam Marsh, PhD (Postdoc, Beth Stevens’ lab)
Rebecca Senft (Graduate Student, Susan Dymecki’s lab)
Seul Ah Kim (Graduate student, Bernardo Sabatini's lab)

Questions? Email us at HarvardBrainScience@gmail.com

Sales Ended