零碳小勇士專場 - 建造業零碳天地STEAM互動空間

零碳小勇士專場 - 建造業零碳天地STEAM互動空間

每人踏出一小步,都可以成就低碳城市一大步。建造業零碳天地STEAM Lab訓練營會以創新方法,讓小朋友從生動有趣的互動體驗中,學習建造業的新科技,提升小朋友在物理科學、工程和數學三大範疇的跨學科知識,及早培育和裝備未來的減碳小先鋒。

By CIC - Zero Carbon Park

Date and time

August 19, 2023 · 2pm - August 20, 2023 · 5:45pm HKT


建造業零碳天地 CIC - Zero Carbon Park

常悅道8號 8 Sheung Yuet Road 九龍灣, KOW Hong Kong

About this event

零碳小勇士專場 - 建造業零碳天地STEAM互動空間

日期 : 2023年8月19、20日 (星期六及日)

地點 : 香港九龍灣常悅道8號建造業零碳天地

時間 : 下午2時正至下午2時45分 或 下午5時正至5時45分

活動長度 : 45分鐘

名額 : 每場14名 (一個名額只限1位小朋友參與及1位家長陪同)

參加資格 : 9歲或以上 (12歲以下需由成人陪同)

報名費用 : 全免


Exclusive Green Heroes Program - CIC-ZCP STEAM Lab

Date: 19, 20 August 2023 (Sat - Sun)

Venue : CIC-Zero Carbon Park, 8 Sheung Yuet Road, Kowloon Bay

Time : 2:00pm - 2:45pm or 5:00pm - 5:45pm

Duration : 45mins

Quota: 14pax (Only one parent is allowed to accompany one child )

Eligibility: Aged 9 or above (Aged under 12 shall be accompanied by adult)

Registration Fee : Free of Charge

*Only the members of "ZCP Green Heroes Award Badges Programme" are eligible on registering the above event, for those who are not members yet, please register as a member in advance with this link.

備註 Remarks

1. 按此閱讀有關此節目與活動條款及細則和相關之收集個人資料聲明

Please click and read Terms & Conditions for Activities and Events and Personal Information Collection Statement.

2. 建造業零碳天地由零碳天地以建造業零碳天地之名義擁有及營運。

CIC-Zero Carbon Park is owned and operated by Zero Carbon Building, trading as CIC-ZCP.

3. 零碳小勇士專場 - 建造業零碳天地STEAM互動空間由零碳天地主辦「主辦單位」。

Exclusive Green Heroes Program - CIC-ZCP STEAM Lab ("the Event") is organized by Zero Carbon Building ("ZCB").

4. 工作坊名額有限,報名以先到先得的方式分配,額滿即止。

The Event is under first-come-first-serve basis due to limited quota.

5. 參加者須具備良好的身體健康狀況,並聲明自願參加是次活動和願意承擔自身的意外風險及責任。

Participants shall be physically fit. Participants shall declare to participate the Event voluntarily and entirely at his/her own risk and responsibility.

6. 參加者須遵守所有由主辦單位提出之活動規例及當日之臨時安排及決定。

Participants shall accept and follow the Terms & Conditions for Activities and Events, and all other rules and regulations which may be adopted by the Organizer on the day of the Event.

7. 如有任何爭議,零碳天地擁有最終決定權。

Regarding any dispute arising from the Workshop, the decision of ZCB shall be final and binding.

8. 本條款的中英文版本如有歧義,概以英文版本為準。

In case of any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.

9. 建造業零碳天地將會於活動期間拍攝或錄影以作紀錄,所拍攝的相片或影片之擁有權歸建造業零碳天地所有。所有參加者須同意建造業零碳天地可能使用所拍攝的相片或影片作公開展示或宣傳用途而不作另行通知。

CIC-Zero Carbon Park will take photos or videos during the events for recording purposes. The ownership of photos or videos belongs to the CIC-Zero Carbon Park. All participants must agree that the photos or videos taken may be used for public display or promotion purposes without further notice.

10. 若天文台發出黑色暴雨警告信號/八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告,工作坊將會取消。

In the event of the issuance of a Black Rainstorm Warning/Tropical Cyclone Signal No.8 or above, the workshop will be cancelled.

Organized by

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