Registrations are closed

Thank you for your interest in XOGO: Matters of the Heart. Registration has closed. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at info@wolhawaii.com.


Monday, September 14 - Sunday, October 4, 2020

By Word of Life



About this event

XOXO - Your Heart Matters

by Generation One


Have you felt there was something keeping you from experiencing God’s love for you in a greater way? Have you felt like you’ve lost sight of your purpose? Have you been more consumed by the world’s influences and distractions? In this season, there are many things trying to get our attention. Yet, we believe God is longing to draw us closer to His heart.

God truly loves us with an unfailing love and believes in us even when we don’t believe in ourselves. He wants to meet us where we are at and help us to move forward with Him. We just have to be open and willing to let God have His way. It starts with us. It starts with our hearts.

2 Corinthians 8:12 (MSG) says, “...our heart regulates our hands.” In other words, our hearts determine where we are in our lives. God wants our hearts surrendered to Him so that He is the One directing us. Our hearts matter to Him!

Join us in our “XOXO - YOUR HEART MATTERS” 21 Day Challenge. It will be a time to strengthen our lives and our relationships by returning to our first love, Jesus!

We believe the time is now to be open and determined to live set apart for God! We’re needing a focused time to establish new habits that will remove the contamination of the world that wants to separate us from God. It’s time to run to Him!

As Pastor Art Sepulveda says, “The proof of the desire is in the pursuit.” So, let’s pursue God’s heart together and be stronger than ever before!


Branson and Nicole Silva

Leaders of Generation One


XOXO - Your Heart Matters is a 21-Day challenge from Monday, September 14 - Sunday, October 4, 2020. In this time, we will establish a stronger foundation in God through our time of prayer and fasting, reading the Bible, and learning more about living our lives set apart for God. During these 21-days, God will be uniting our hearts to Himself and to one another, awakening a greater fire to live for Him.

We will experience and be a part of:


Wednesday at 12 noon (HST) - Instagram Live

  • Wednesday, September 16 at 12:00 PM HST
  • Wednesday, September 23 at 12:00 PM HST
  • Wednesday, September 30 at 12:00 PM HST

Friday at 6:30 pm (HST) - Special ZOOM Sessions (Registration Required*)

  • Friday, September 18 at 6:30 PM HST
  • Friday, September 25 at 6:30 PM HST
  • Friday, October 2 at 6:30 PM HST


If we want God to direct our lives and relationships, we must turn to His Word. Never say God is silent if your Bible has been closed. During our 21-days of XOXO - Your Heart Matters, we will be reading through various books of the Bible. God wants to speak to YOU directly and He will through His Word.


Biblical fasting is simply refraining from food for a spiritual purpose. This time of fasting will open our hearts and minds to the Holy Spirit and empower us to make any changes to our relationships in order for us to experience God's best.


Prayer is the key that unlocks miracles. We will be joining together every night to pray as one for a focused time of prayer and intercession.

This is a FREE event. Once you register, you will receive an email with details on how to participate in XOXO - Your Heart Matters.

Organized by

Word of Life is located in beautiful Downtown Honolulu, Hawaii. Founded and pastored by Art & Kuna Sepulveda, we are about promoting people's progress and joy in believing. We're a church where people matter and a place they can call home. We also have campuses in West Oahu and Mililani, as well as in Kahului (Maui), and Kona (Big Island). 

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