Webinar: Planning A "Big_Fat" Ethnic Wedding

By Association of Bridal Consultants - Education

Date and time

Monday, February 29, 2016 · 11am - 12pm EST



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Planning a "Big Fat" Ethnic Wedding by Dalia Atisha, C.W.P. from The Event Planner, Inc.

In the metro Detroit area where I plan events there is a vast majority of close knit ethnic communities that wed other large ethnicities. With that said the weddings are large, lavish and lively so you need a good logistic plan to execute the activities flawlessly. There are a lot of traditions that our couples want to include into their “Western” wedding. Moreover, with large weddings come large families, large families yields lots of member involvement. You don’t just plan the wedding with the bride and groom, you are planning it with their parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. With my 15 plus years of experience working in large ethnic communities I would be happy to breakdown the planning and logistics on how to work with the bride’s “big fat….” wedding.

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The Association of Bridal Consultants has been the professional organization for the wedding industry since 1981 and has over 4,500 members in 26 countries on six continents. The Association of Bridal Consultants is a membership service organization, designed to increase awareness of the wedding business and improve the professionalism of members. For additional information about the Association, visit www.BridalAssn.com or phone 860-355-7000.
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