The 5G Factor – Weighing the Economic Benefits of 5G

The 5G Factor – Weighing the Economic Benefits of 5G

By ACT | The App Association

Date and time

Tuesday, September 18, 2018 · 10 - 11:30am EDT


Rayburn House Office Building

45 Independence Avenue Southwest Room 2322 Washington, DC 20515


ACT | The App Association

in cooperation with

The Congressional 5G Caucus


The 5G Factor – Weighing the Economic Benefits of 5G

When: 10:00 a.m. September 18, 2018

Where: Rayburn 2322

Please join us as we unveil a report describing the economic impact of the deployment of 5G networks on small businesses by Shane Tews, Visiting Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. This report will serve as the basis of a conversation with FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr, Shane Tews, and App Association President Morgan Reed on the paper’s findings. They will unpack the benefits that 5G networks will have for small business app developers. In this discussion, Shane Tews will discuss and present the findings from her report, Morgan Reed will further describe how our small business members can leverage these 5G networks, and Commissioner Carr will outline what the FCC is doing to promote this 5G ecosystem.

Without the robust wireless data networks that now crisscross the nation, we would not have seen the democratization of entrepreneurship or the wide distribution of small mobile software firms that now thrive in every congressional district. The study will help policymakers understand the economic impacts of the fundamental network changes that will come with 5G and the value and importance of its swift deployment.

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