La Storta: A Senior Retreat in the Ignatian Tradition

La Storta: A Senior Retreat in the Ignatian Tradition

By Catholic Women at Georgetown


Calcagnini Contemplative Center

410 Loyola Lane Bluemont, VA 20135

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St. Ignatius received a vision at La Storta, near Rome, in 1537. He saw God place Ignatius with Christ carrying the cross. This vision inspired Ignatius to follow Christ more fully and to form the Society of Jesus.

Inspired by this part of Ignatius’ story which deepened Ignatius’ own calling to follow Christ, this retreat is designed to help seniors reflect on their own lives - where they have been these past four years at Georgetown, where are they now, and where are they going. Together with Jesuits, lay chaplains and student leaders, we will reflect on the question, “What might God be calling me to now?”

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