IDEA Pitch

IDEA Pitch

By IDEA Fund Partners

Date and time

Thursday, October 22, 2015 · 8:30 - 10am EDT


Launch Chapel Hill

321 W Rosemary St Chapel Hill, NC 27615


Launch Chapel Hill

8:30am - 10:00am


Have an idea or high-tech startup you want to pitch? Would you like to pitch to one of the Southeast’s most active seed and early stage venture capital firms? Then join the IDEA Fund Partners team for IDEA Pitch!

Whether you’re seeking to raise capital, network or cold call, it’s essential that you have a descriptive, concise and well rehearsed elevator pitch. Come, listen and learn what investors are looking for in an elevator pitch from our team of active investment professionals. IDEA Pitch, held bimonthly, enables entrepreneurs to meet our team and have the opportunity to pitch their high-tech idea or startup.

The format is simple, entrepreneurs pitch their ventures and then answer questions and receive feedback from those in attendance. Selected entrepreneurs will make their two minute elevator pitch to members of the IDEA Fund Partners investment team and fellow entrepreneurs in attendance. Following each pitch, the entrepreneur will have the opportunity to address specific questions from the audience and receive pitch-specific feedback. At the conclusion of the pitches, you’ll have the opportunity to network with the IDEA Fund Partners team and fellow entrepreneurs over coffee and bagels.

Attendance is free, but space is limited, so we ask that all attendees register in advance. Also, we ask that service providers not attend as these events are solely for entrepreneurs.

Organized by

As one of the oldest and most active early-stage investment firms in the Southeast, our investment philosophy has been honed from years of experience. We fund entrepreneurs who are applying technology and business model innovations to industries in the earliest stages of digital disruption with an emphasis on underserved people, places and stages.

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