Finding Sexual Sanity in a Sex-Crazed Culture

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Finding Sexual Sanity in a Sex-Crazed Culture

By Harvest USA

Date and time

March 20, 2015 · 7pm - March 21, 2015 · 12:30pm EDT


Grace Community Church

5146 Dickerson Road Charlottesville, VA 22911

Refund Policy

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Does God really have a design for sexuality? Is the Bible’s view of sexuality still relevant today?

Sex is powerful, and we all struggle with it in some way. Broken sexuality is not just about our behavior and what to do about it. It goes much deeper than that; it’s a matter of the heart.

Dave White, Men’s Ministry Coordinator and Ellen Dykas, Women’s Ministry Coordinator, at Harvest USA, will lead this weekend training seminar.

We will look at God’s design for sexuality, what motivates us to make certain sexual choices, and how the gospel can break entrenched patterns of sexual sin. We will also discuss how to walk alongside sexual strugglers in real gospel community.

Seminar Sessions:

Cultural Lies and God's Design: How does what we are hearing today about sexuality impact the church? Does God really have a design for sexuality, and what is it? Is the Bible's view of sexuality still relevant today?

God's Design Broken: Getting a Handle on Sexual Struggles and Sin: Sex is powerful, and we all struggle with it in some way. Broken sexuality is not just about our behavior and what to do about it. It goes much deeper than that; it's a matter of the heart. What really motivates us to make the sexual choices we make?

God's Design Broken: Breaking Habitual Struggles and Sin Patterns: What is there for those who feel they can never overcome their sexual struggles? How does the gospel break the entrenched patterns of sexual sin in our lives? How does it address the patterns of thought and behavior that define our "identity"?

Creating a Redemptive Community: Broken sexuality thrives in secrecy and silence. Real gospel community provides a different approach to helping sexual strugglers. How do we need to change the culture and the ministry of the church to help strugglers?

Join us for this dynamic seminar hosted by Grace Community Church!

Date: March 20-21, 2015

Time: Friday 7:00p - 9:00p, Saturday 8:30a - 12:30p

Place: Grace Community Church | 5146 Dickerson Rd. | Charlottesville, VA 22911

Tickets: $20 Single | $25 Couple | $30 Family

Registration begins at 8:00am

For more information about Harvest USA please go to our website:

Have questions about the seminar? Please contact Grace Community Church: 434-975-2259

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