Online Buddhist Class
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Online Buddhist Class

Dive into profound Buddhist teachings with our free online class. Join Sundays for ancient wisdom and a global community.


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9:30 PM - 9:50 PM


9:50 PM - 10:10 PM

Pre-class reading and discussion or chanting

10:10 PM - 12:00 AM (+1 day)

Class with Rinpoche

About this event

  • 2 hours 29 minutes

Dive into the depths of profound Buddhist teachings through Wang Yun's FREE online class. Become part of our vibrant global community, engaging in inspiring sessions every Sunday. With a spiritual journey spanning over 5 decades, Wang Yun effortlessly weaves together a rich tapestry of ancient wisdom encompassing TCM, Daoism, Gongfu, Martial Arts, Divination, Fengshui, and, notably, Buddhism. This synthesis promises an authentic, enlightening, and truly mind-expanding experience for those fortunate enough to engage with him. Don't miss out on the chance to connect with this remarkable teacher and embark on a transformative path of discovery.

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Frequently asked questions

What is the format of the class?

We alternate between Q/A and brief lectures on traditional Buddhist practice, which also leave time for questions at the end.

What is expected of me?

As the teacher’s main goal is to help people, we only ask that you attend with a sincere respectful attitude, remain attentive as if you were attending class in person and take notes if possible.

What is the level of personal interaction?

The class size is still relatively small, so your level of interaction depends on the frequencey of your questions. Some people prefer to listen, which is fine. However, a certain level of interaction is necessary for the teacher to understand your situation and offer guidance.

Is the lecture content mainly theoretical or practical?

While lecture content might be geared more towards painting a clear picture of Buddhist concepts and practice, Q/A content tends to be more practical and meant for immediate application.

What is the subject matter?

The theme of the lecture series is ‘Vajrayana Buddhism’. This is also known as ‘Tibetan Buddhism’ or ‘Esoteric Buddhism’. It's well to note however, that as this is the third set of teachings put forth in the Buddhist trilogy, it necessarily encompasses the previous two teachings.

What can I gain from this class?

An honest presentation of the traditional path of practice including an idea of how far you can reasonably expect to get down that path in this lifetime. Insights from a yogi who has encountered all the obstacles you have and transformed them into wisdom.

What kind of questions can I ask?

There should be no distinction between practice and life, all sorts of questions are welcomed. Sometimes our financial situation is creating our obstacles, sometimes it is bereavement, relationships, or just a lack of direction and guidance. Just think about what stopping you from bringing benefit

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