Your Quality Life Phone Program

Your Quality Life Phone Program

Building human skills for happier, healthier, and more connected lives. Develop your skills, storytelling, goal setting, and more!

By Health and Wellness Friendly Communities Lab

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About this event

Over the course of 6 weeks, we will work through a series of important conversations and activities to discover and practice different aspects of wellness.

This 1:1 phone program is a Free 6-week education program to achive your quality life - on your terms. There are trained health and wellness facilitators that will work with you to develop a community network of care and build wellness skills.

You will receive a Quality Life report and action plan as well.

We will explore a different topic each week:

  1. My Story Matters
  2. Mental and Physical Wellbeing
  3. Social Wellbeing
  4. Spiritual Wellbeing (Purpose & Meaning)
  5. Building a Community Circle of Care
  6. Goal Setting for the Future

Wellness is individual, cultural and situational, and may change based on experiences, age, life stage and values. This is why we consider wellness as a journey that is on-going. There are various paths to follow and this program is about finding the path that makes the most sense for you.

Calls can be scheduled around your availability.

Everyone is welcome, we serve people of all ages and communities.

Reserve your spot now! For more info, visit or send an email to

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