The Farm - Digital Freelancers Networking Event
Ticket sales end soon

The Farm - Digital Freelancers Networking Event

A weekly meet up for freelancers in the digital industry. All welcome.

By Paul Silver


The Battle of Trafalgar pub

34 Guildford Road Brighton BN1 3LW United Kingdom

About this event

  • 3 hours

The Farm is a networking group for freelance web and app designers, developers, copywriters, sysadmins and people with related mobile/digital skills.

We meet every Wednesday evening, this week in the Battle of Trafalgar pub. It's a relaxed event and very casual, so don't worry if you've never been networking before, we're very friendly and chat is more important than business cards.

No matter what stage you're at in your freelancing career, you're welcome at the Farm. If you're brand new to the game or interested in going freelance, we can answer any questions you have about starting up and finding your first clients. On the flip side, if you're experienced, we're happy to talk how to stay motivated, upskilling, productivity, and how to keep growing when you've settled into what you do.

If you're looking for a web freelancer, you are welcome to come along to any of our meetings for a chat. Generally someone in the Farm can help you do what you want, and even if we can't, we're bound to know someone who can.

The Battle reserves us some tables, usually down the left hand side of the pub. You can ask where we are at the bar, or look out for the bright red book "Brilliant Freelancing", which we'll have on the table to help you find us.

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