Experience a very effective approach for personal and organizational development & coaching supervision, developed in California. 3 ICF CCEs

By Sylvia Kurpanek

Date and time

Thu, May 30, 2024 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM CEST


Schill Coaching AB

3 Storgatan 411 24 Landala Sweden

About this event

Is something bothering you or are you feeling stuck - and thinking or talking about it has not got you to a satisfying solution?

Are you curious and interested in experiencing a unique approach to overcome blocks on the way to your goal, make a decision or solve a conflict?

Are you a coach, counselor, consultant, or Organizational Development professional - and want to better understand a particular client’s situation? Or find new ways to support them in overcoming their challenge or stuck-state?

If so, join me for a workshop on SYSTEMIC COACHING CONSTELLATIONS.


In Germany, constellation work has long been recognized as a very effective approach for personal and organizational development.

SYSTEMIC COACHING CONSTELLATIONS are an experiential type of group work. Maybe you have heard of “family constellations” or even already attended such a workshop.

SYSTEMIC COACHING CONSTELLATIONS, however, go way beyond classical family constellations.

They combine SySt® (a constellations approach developed and researched in Germany) with various methods. This unique solution-focused coaching approach is the result of what I have developed and finetuned in Silicon Valley since 2011.

By providing a “three-dimensional representation” of an issue, a SYSTEMIC COACHING CONSTELLATION helps you to

• make the structure of your issue visible

• address your challenge’s underlying dynamics and inter-dependencies

• tackle that issue more effectively in your real life.

The approach is simple, yet powerful and outcome-oriented.


By being led to stand somewhere in the room, some workshop participants represent components of the client’s issue.

Often without even knowing what or whom they are standing in for, representatives can provide very useful information and insights for the client.

Elaborate interventions aim to create a new balance in the system’s structure. As a result, the client typically has fresh ideas how they can tackle their issue in real life.

What’s In It for You?

As a representative, you can experience powerful emotional states and what a first step in the desired direction might feel like. This makes it easier to enhance and integrate those qualities into your own life.

As a representative or observer, many workshop attendants gain important insights about their own issues.

As a certified ICF coach, participating in this workshop qualifies for 3 ICF CCEs.

Who Can Address an Issue?

If you wish to address an issue with a constellation, let me know. If more than two people are interested, we'll let the luck of the draw decide.

What is the Investment?

As this is the first workshop of this kind in Göteborg, it is offered free of charge.

Skeptical Or Curious?

You’re skeptical as this sounds strange? I totally get it; I’ve been there myself. Before I attended my first constellations workshop in Germany in 2001, this concept sounded more than weird to me. In the meantime, I have been able to solve many an issue with this approach. My thanks go out to my teachers and colleagues who hosted those constellations and clearly helped me move forward.

If you’re curious and want to experience this fascinating approach first-hand, it would be great to see you at this SYSTEMIC COACHING CONSTELLATIONS workshop in Göteborg.

Feel free to contact me at if you have any questions.

Here's what participants of past workshops say:

It was fascinating to watch how the dynamics in our team really played out the way we’ve experienced it in our daily work life. And it was even more impressive to see what a tiny change can do for this team. A huge relief. Our morale clearly improved.


The coaching constellation work was powerful. Even just the conversation with Sylvia before the workshop helped me see things I hadn’t been aware of before. Approaching my issue in a constellation allowed me to see the situation as a system with the various players that are involved, some of which I had not paid any attention to before.

It also allowed me to step into my client’s perspective and as a result experience more compassion for him. What I found unique was that I got to see myself as part of the system. It was mind-blowing when the person who represented me in the constellation said one sentence, which accurately summed up my actual attitude and made me see how I myself had contributed to the issue.

It was an experience I cannot put into words. Surprisingly accurate even though none of the representatives knew what this was about. I was very moved and left with a sense of clarity I didn’t expect.

Organized by

Hello, I’m Sylvia Kurpanek. An organizational psychologist, lawyer, mediator, and professional coach, originally from Germany, I founded the Palo Alto Institute for Systemic Coaching in the middle of Silicon Valley in 2011.

My mission is supporting busy professionals and other smart people in mastering challenges, setbacks, mental blocks, self-sabotage and stagnation in their personal or professional environment, in performing at their peak when it counts, i.e., during pitches, interviews, negotiations, athletic competitions, in increasing their creativity, stress-resilience and overall well-being, in defining and achieving their true north. So that they can enjoy the best version of themselves - and their lives.

Because I believe time is too precious to be spent at a standstill. Or a suboptimal status quo.

In my experience, less is often more.

That’s why my goal is to provide optimal support in a single or very few coaching sessions.

Because this is exactly what I would want for myself in a similar situation. My clients’ thriving makes my day.

My other passion is developing and constantly refining innovative brain-based and systemic coaching methods:

1. LIMBIC COACHING® (which is called PALO ALTO COACHING in Europe), a Brief Brain-Based Coaching method; 2. SYSTEMIC COACHING CONSTELLATIONS, a solution-focused group work for coaching and organizational development; 3. TRULY SLIM®, a purely mental approach for sustainable weight management.

I teach these approaches to colleagues who wish to take their coaching skills to the next level. Their results with their clients are my highest reward. For more information about my work go to

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