Gateway to Success: How to Successfully Establish Business in the USA

Gateway to Success: How to Successfully Establish Business in the USA

Join us for this exciting webinar presented by The Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce, NY (SACCNY).

Av The Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce, New York

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tors, 8 feb. 2024 06:00 - 08:00 PST




Are you or your company considering expanding to the USA? The successful establishment of a business in the USA can be a challenging but enriching task. Join us for this exciting webinar presented by The Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce, NY (SACCNY), where they will share valuable knowledge and expert insights to guide you through internationalization. Anna Throne-Holst, President of SACCNY, will provide insights into SACCNY's support services and how they facilitate the establishment process and guidance for Nordic companies in New York. The presentation also briefly introduces Gateway, SACCNY's innovation platform, and office solutions for Nordic companies. A panel of experts will join the webinars to present current trends, market analyses, and legal guidance to give participants an overall understanding of the American market. The goal is to facilitate a smooth establishment process by offering insights into business structures, legal obligations, and regulations.

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