Flirty Fridays: Think Yoga Class but More Wild, Devoted to Pleasure

Flirty Fridays: Think Yoga Class but More Wild, Devoted to Pleasure

A regular online ritual space for women to reclaim their pleasure, liberate their sexuality & reconnect with their divinity.

Von Rahel, Kasey & Tallulah

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Drop into your pleasure, be your own best lover, flirt first and foremost with yourself...

We're so happy to invite you into our regular online space for women to reclaim their pleasure, liberate their sexuality & love their bodies...

Think yoga class, but more wild - centered on your pleasure (however that might look like in the given moment) to reconnect with your wholeness, your divinity 💐

As sex love relationship coaches certified at the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality, we have personally discovered the beauty, nourishment & healing power of working with one's pleasure, of unshaming our sexuality and of looking at places which we've been collectively told to not look at. And have been enjoying the ride since...

Reclaiming one's pleasure is a practice and usually doesn't happen over night. That's why we created Flirty Fridays... for women to regularly drop into ritual space and their pleasure. Encouraged, celebrated and co-created by your sisters.

It's our joy, honour and pleasure to be guiding and witnessing you.

Where everything can be, nothing has to be - with the sole intention to connect to YOUR truth.

🔥Fridays 10am CET/5pm Bali time.


😋12 Euros/CHF

🫠Sign up via paypal (, dm us on Instagram (handles below) or join our telegram group* & we send you the zoom link to participate!

Please note: while this work can be healing, Flirty Fridays might not be the right space for people who've experienced major sexual trauma and have never worked on it with a therapist or coach before.

We're looking forward to welcoming you in ritual space!

With love,

Kasey, Tallulah & Rahel - sisters in crime & VITA™-certified sex love relationship coaches.

Find us on Instagram!
@the_napkid @tallulahaissa

* this is also a place for all women to share about their journey, be witnessed, and inspire one another on all things pleasure, sensuality, sexuality 🌹

Read this feedback we received by voice message to see what Flirty Fridays may do for you:

I love Flirty Fridays! This space is incredibly healing and a real blessing. Thanks to it and the Pleasure Practices, my own journey with pleasure has improved immensely. I'm exploring new ideas and giving myself permission for things I never thought possible!

Simultaneously, I've learned to maintain my safe space. A significant part of this journey is about embracing my own sexuality. It's challenging to put into words, as there's a vibrant and energetic transformation happening. Experiencing this energy coursing through my body is simply beautiful.

Interestingly, I haven't even delved into the two sex books on my shelf because our intimate life is evolving so wonderfully—both with my partner and within my own exploration.

Häufige Fragen

Is nudity involved?

You can but don't have to drop your clothes! All is an invitation. Also you can always turn off screen and sound.

How sexual is this?

It depends on the class and teacher, but as mentioned, everything is an invitation. Some moments you'll find more challenging and edgy, others will be more comfortable

What if I notice in the middle of a session that I don't want to be there?

Welcome to leave anytime! We're honoring your truth & celebrate you when you express it, in a loving way.

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