Connect Retreat meets Brandenburg

the retreat to find deep meaningful connections through a blend of cultural activities and yoga

Von rikasyoga

Datum und Uhrzeit

Mo. 26. Aug. 2024 18:00 - Sa. 31. Aug. 2024 12:00 CEST


Dorfstraße 5

Dorfstraße 5 16306 Casekow Germany


Kontaktieren Sie den Veranstalter, um eine Rückerstattung anzufordern.

Zu diesem Event

  • 4 Tage 18 Stunden

You are seeking a sense of belonging? To create meaningful connections? To walk a path of self-discovery and personal growth? To create a purposeful life to share with your tribe?

Embrace your path to self-reflection and personal growthto deeper understand yourself. Connect to like-minded souls truly, authentically and profoundly to build healthier, long-lasting relationships. Gain clarity on your values and beliefs and establish a clear sense of purpose for yourself. Disconnect from constant connectivity to be more present and mindful. Engage in physically challenging activities, explore new environments, and step out of your comfort zones to nurture creativity and new perspectives.

Find yourself in the midst of Uckermark nature, enjoying bathing in the refreshing waters of surrounding lakes. Warming up in a traditionally heated Finnish sauna. Reading, connecting, sharing on the terrace or inside in our community areas.

This incredible 6-day retreat is a truly one-of-a-kind holistic journey to balance your feminine and masculine energy with movement, nourishing local food and endless nature. You will not only deepen your yoga and mindfulness practice, but you will also connect to each soul on this journey on a very profound and meaningful way all whilst enjoying the healing power in the midst of the beautiful Uckermark nature.

Throughout your journey, you will connect to all five elements (earth, water, fire, air, ether) with movement and different creative workshops & activities such as foraging, baking, cold-heat exposure and transfomational breathwork. You will be held in a safe space together with 10 like-minded souls allowing you to let go from your daily routines and give yourself the chance to deeply surrender to your transformation.

Have you ever heard about any Finnish traditions? We will introduce you to some special ones. Of course there will be no way around the well-known sauna culture and its benefits to your body and soul. Experience first hand with your own eyes one of the countries where the sun never goes down. This occasion invites us to jump into the water for midnight dips in the lake underneath a clear white sky.

Let us get together for a lifetime experience during the end of summer in a peaceful village close to many lakes. And learn more about your body and its ability to move, breathe and heal.

A place where it seems like time is standing still.

We would be honored to guide you through this one-of-a-kind experience!

Highlights of this journey

Acro, Ashtanga, Hatha, Vinyasa and Yin Yoga

Aroma Workshop using essential oils

The Art of Foraging Workshop

Cleansing Practices, like foot baths and more

Cold-Heat Exposure (Sauna & Ice-Bath)

Create Your Own Birch Branch Twig Workshop

Creative Painting Workshop using handmade watercolor

Creative Yoga Workshops

Dance Workshop

Deep Transformational Breathwork

SoulsFusion Special

Soundbaths with Tibetan Singing Bowls

Sound Healing using your own voice

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