Come Network with UPswap HFX! (June 2024 Meet-Up)

Come Network with UPswap HFX! (June 2024 Meet-Up)

UPswap HFX is a community and monthly meet-up for "young professionals" looking to network, grow and share skills with other peers. Join us!

By UPswap HFX

Date and time

Tue, Jun 18, 2024 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM ADT


Halifax Central Library

5440 Spring Garden Road RBC Room (3rd floor) Halifax, NS B3J 1E9 Canada

About this event

  • 1 hour 30 minutes

Are you a young professional, newcomer to Nova Scotia, individual transitioning careers, heading back to school, or simply someone looking to gain more connections, develop new skills, or assist and learn from your peers?

UPswap HFX is an in-person and online community to facilitate the sharing of skills and building of connections. We hosts monthly meetups/discussion groups as an opportunity for you to grow, share, learn and develop skills to assist with personal and professional development. Each meeting we discuss personal and professional goals, provide lots of opportunity to help each other out and have thoughtful discussions. Discussions for each meeting typiclly focus on a theme, such as goal sharing, personal branding, networking, specific skills, etc.

Come out and swap some skills, knowledge, and connections with UPswap HFX.

Want to learn more or connect before the meeting, check out our UPswap HFX LinkedIn page here.

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