Atelier manifestation/loi de l'attraction/vision board

Atelier manifestation/loi de l'attraction/vision board

Un atelier pour manifester vos rêves, comprendre la loi de l'attraction et créer votre vision board pour attirer tout ce que vous désirez da

Door Vers un meilleur soi

Datum en tijd

don, 27 jun. 2024 18:00 - 21:30 CEST


Bd Louis Schmidt 119

119 Boulevard Louis Schmidt 1040 Etterbeek Belgium

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Over dit evenement

Atelier manifestation/loi de l'attraction/vision board

Join us for a fun and interactive workshop where we will dive into the world of manifestation, the law of attraction, and creating vision boards. This in-person event will take place at Bd Louis Schmidt 119. Get ready to learn how to attract positivity into your life and set powerful intentions for the future. Bring your creativity and an open mind as we explore the power of visualization and goal setting. Don't miss out on this opportunity to manifest your dreams and make them a reality!

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