Antenatal Colostrum Harvesting

Antenatal Colostrum Harvesting

For all mums interested in harvesting colostrum to give the best start to their babies. Facilitated by an IBCLC.

By Infant Feeding Newham Hospital

Select date and time

Fri, 5 Jul 2024 03:00 - 04:00 PDT



About this event

  • 1 hour

For residents in : E6; E7; E12; E13; E15; E16; E20; IG11; RM9; Limited spaces.

If you cannot attend please cancel your ticket so someone else can join. Do you live in around Newham? Are you expecting a baby?

Antenatal Colostrum harvesting

Learning about antenatal colostrum harvesting can hugely benefit you baby ‘s health and early bonding. “Antenatal colostrum harvesting” involves collecting hand expressed early human milk (colostrum) in the final weeks of pregnancy.

Early milk: colostrum. referred to as “liquid gold” due to the vast amounts of nutrients and antibodies densely packed into the thick fluid. Every droplet can benefit a baby. Hand expression is necessary because the colostrum is too thick and the quantity too small to successfully pass through a breast pump. Milk is collected and stored in small syringes which can be used directly to feed the baby once they are born. Either refrigerate or freeze syringes according to safe milk storage guidelines.

Antenatal colostrum harvesting may be indicated for you and your baby if you:

• Have diabetes of any kind. Mums with diabetes (Type 1, Type 2 or gestational diabetes) may benefit from harvesting colostrum for their unborn baby. Whilst the baby will not be born with diabetes, their blood glucose levels may be unstable after birth. Expressing colostrum to give to your baby immediately after birth will help to stabilise their blood glucose quicker.

• are expecting twins or triplets

• have breast hypoplasia (limited breast development)

• are taking beta blockers to control high blood pressure

• have had previous breast surgery.

Or if your baby has:

• cleft lip or palate

• intrauterine growth restriction

• congenital conditions such as Down Syndrome or cardiac complications.

• Antenatal colostrum harvesting can also be beneficial in case of planned caesarean or induced birth,

• if your baby develops jaundice as the colostrum helps to reduce bilirubin levels, or

• if you have a medical condition that requires you to start medications incompatible with breastfeeding right after birth.

Antenatal colostrum will help you with :

1. Avoiding formula feeding in case of neonatal illness

2. Facilitating a positive start with breastfeeding

3. Involving a partner or loved one in feeding

4. Regaining some control in difficult circumstances

5. Aiding recovery post-birth


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This class is not via Evenbrite website.

The course aims to be an interactive space for you to ask questions and actively participate.

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