Sign-up for exclusive access to a year of self-reflective questions! Optional access to Self-reflection circles, somatic movement and more!

By The Somatic Hub

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Sun, 16 Jun 2024 16:00 - Mon, 17 Jun 2024 16:00 PDT



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About this event

  • 1 day

Growth is the result of small, consistent changes. Avoid the New Year rush to overcommit to unrealistic rituals or resolutions. This programme IS something you can stick to - it is an insightful, meaningful and sustainable approach to more conscious living, which takes only 10 minutes a week. Read on to find out more about this supported, year-long course!

What is it about?

This is my second year of hosting this year-long programme. It is a 52-week online resource to help YOU invite more joy, peace and balance into your life in 2024. This programme enables you to identify the areas of your life you’d like to improve and to begin implementing changes in a sustainable and manageable way. If you’ve ever felt like you wanted to change your career, improve your relationships, grow in confidence or find greater meaning and happiness in your day to day life, but didn’t know where to start - then this is the perfect resource for you. Taking ownership of your growth and living more consciously doesn’t need to be difficult or time consuming - but often it is. A great deal of self-help work leaves us feeling more tired and dejected and becomes another arduous thing on our never ending to do list!

My mission is to take the hassle, stress and judgement out of self-development work and help everyone to realise the enormous benefits of incremental changes. The ability to self-reflect in a loving and constructive way is the basis for lasting change. Commit just 10 minutes a week to get started!

What’s included:

The course launches on Monday 1st January 2024 and concludes on Monday 30 December 2024.


You can participate for FREE by joining the Whatsapp group HERE. Every Monday morning throughout 2024, a Question of the Week will be shared in the Whatsapp group for you to reflect on. These questions are organised thematically (further details below). You are invited to take out just 10 minutes at the beginning of your week to mindfully reflect and journal a response - and then to keep your observation or learning in mind throughout the week. By regularly welcoming curiosity and introspection, we create opportunities for greater alignment with our core values and beliefs, and we inject more passion, purpose and mindfulness into our daily lives! I have adopted a simple question based format because, often, we already know the changes we’d like to make - we just need the space and support to take the first step.


If you sign up for the paid programme, you are also welcome to join the Whatsapp group, however, you will receive the Question of the Week and a detailed newsletter direct to your email inbox. This provides further information on the weekly theme, reflective prompts and suggested exercises for you to complete.

Premium access means you can also choose to connect with other community members by joining our virtual self-reflection circles and online events. Our Self-Reflection circle is an opportunity to delve further into the weekly theme, share your discoveries and learn from others. In this space you can connect with like-minded people, receive extra support and remain accountable. These meet ups will take place regularly via Zoom. Announcements of the date and time of these sessions will be circulated monthly. The schedule varies to give people from different timezones the opportunity to participate. You will also gain access to our FREE virtual Somatic Sessions. In these sessions we usually meet on our mats to enjoy mindful movement and to gently reconnect with some of the questions of that season in a holistic, embodied way. These sessions are informed by Pranayama, Yin Yoga, embodiment exercises and somatic therapies. We can better answer tough questions when utilising the innate wisdom and intuition of the feeling body, as much as the thinking mind.

F ind out more

A Year of Self-Reflection is divided into four key components. I have chosen to take inspiration from the four seasons, which, between them, encompass the beauty and variety of life and symbolise the necessity of nurturing our inner world to foster meaningful changes in our external world. Check out our focus for each season below.


Restore and Rejuvenate

Jan, Feb and Dec 2024

We kick-off the programme with an invitation to slow down and turn inward. Winter is the time to pause, reflect and revive ourselves. All changes first begin within and so the focus of our opening months will be our relationship to our bodies and history, acknowledging past hurts and challenges and finding ways to embed rest and recovery into our lives. We conclude this annual programme in the Winter Season also and will spend December in gentle reflection and planning for the year ahead. These are are grounding months, allowing us to feel deeply rooted, to quieten the mind and find inner stillness.


Rebirth and Renewal

Mar, Apr and May 2024

Spring is the season of new beginnings - a perfect time to prioritise our our emotional and physical health. During these months I will invite you to gently direct your focus onto the world around you. We will practice gratitude, mindfulness and finding balance as well as learning new ways to connect with and appreciate the people in our lives. We will delve deep into what it means to live authentically, nourish ourselves and set healthy boundaries. Some of the weekly themes include confidence, imagination and intuition. These are also great months to reawaken our creativity and foster new ideas.


Passion and Purpose

Jun, Jul and Aug 2024

A season of vitality, high energy and joy. This is the time to get things done. Our weekly questions will dig deeper into the themes of work and success - helping you to find greater clarity on your purpose, what brings you meaning and fulfilment. We will explore our sense of self-worth, our relationship with discipline, productivity and intentions and how we can learn to balance our ambition with playfulness. The prompts throughout this season will also invite you to self-reflect on how to feel energised and motivated and take effective action towards your goals in sustainable ways.


Release and Change

Sep, Oct and Nov 2024

Fall is the season where we learn to let things go. As the world around us embraces the beauty of change, it is a wonderful time to release what no longer serves us. This can mean taking the time to mourn and grieve or it can be acknowledging or celebrating parts of our lives that we loved which no longer exist. This is a great opportunity to explore the themes of surrender, nostalgia and loss. During these months we will also deepen our practice of non-attachment, learn to move with the flow or life and embrace necessary transitions with love as opposed to fear.

(There is no obligation to participate in all weeks or aspects of the course. Simply join in for the themes or events that feel relevant to you).

How will this programme benefit you?

The act of journalling on our Self-Reflection prompts for just 10 minutes per week is an easy to manage and flexible time commitment but the benefits are immense and far reaching.


The questions are simple yet profound, you will be surprised at how much insight you gain into yourself, your relationships and your life through dedicating just a small amount of time each week.


It’s hard to make changes in all areas, this focused programme is broken down thematically and allows you to target your energy to a different area each week. The realistic time commitment helps you stick to the whole programme and manage the overwhelm and anxiety so often associated with change.


Feel inspired by and learn from the reflections of others within our community. You can both view and share responses to the weekly prompts publicly on our social media and in our closed discussion groups via Zoom. Our Self-Reflection Circle allows you to talk through discoveries and share ideas. This is a welcoming and inclusive community space which helps you to stay accountable and remain inspired.


All of the above will help you to truly integrate the benefits of this work into your daily life. You will organically enhance your ability to be self-aware and self-reflective. This will likely result in small but meaningful changes in your life which are sustainable and feel easy!

` Fee:

The fee for Premium Access is set at £104 - which amounts to just £2 per week. This provides access to the weekly questions and detailed prompts, our discussion groups and online somatic sessions. Research shows that paying a minimal amount for a service makes you more likely to commit to the process and remain accountable. For less than the price of a weekly coffee you will gain access to a community of like-minded individuals, organised and structured support and numerous high-quality resources to deepen your own practice. The small fee also allows me to cover the cost of website hosting, online conferencing software for our self-reflection circles and somatic sessions and subsidise access for those not in a position to pay. Participants of this course have described it as transformational, life-affirming, revolutionary, uplifting and profoundly healing. Make a small investment in yourself today. You wont regret it!

About Me:

HI! I’m Gee, a certified somatic coach, yoga teacher and movement practitioner with a 10-year background in community and cultural programming across NGOs, local Government and the third sector. I am on a mission to empower people to know themselves better, in turn helping them to curate lives of purpose, passion and playfulness. The quality of our lives is determined by our ability to make and act upon conscious decisions - ones which align with our core values and beliefs. This depends on our ability to bravely look within and then to have the confidence to express our truth and share our authentic selves with the world - this is both our challenge and our gift. I wanted to create a FREE, flexible and accessible resource to put out into the world to help people do this. I spend most of my time coaching individuals or small group sessions; I support people to live more authentically and in deeper connection with their bodies and one another. I utilise somatic therapies, intuitive movement and mindfulness to promote trauma recovery, nervous system regulation and wellbeing.

I have been working as a digital nomad and travelling the world since 2021. During this time I have lived in Mexico, Greece, Australia, Columbia, Hungary, Turkey and New York. I've been so privileged to delve into the ancient, spiritual healing practices across various cultures and to continue to learn from people from all walks of life - from Temazcal ceremonies in Santa Marta (Mexico) to cold water immersions in Antioquia (Colombia). Whether mud-bathing in the dead sea, participating in Ecstatic Dance sessions, tea ceremonies or forest bathing - it's been an unforgettable and enriching journey! This has informed my holistic approach to my work and clients. My favourite activities are enjoying home-cooked meals and conversations with friends, drinking tea whilst reading a good book and swimming in the oceans. I can't wait to meet you and welcome you into this community :) Follow my travel journey and find out more at @thesomatichub

F ind out more at www.thesomatichub.com

Organised by

£0 – £104