Developing Eventbrite Using Docker

Eventbrite is comprised of tens of different components – services, databases, tools and more, and running that all on a single virtual machine is fragile. Learn how we used Docker and our own tool “tugboat” to create a development environment where you can rebuild parts at a time, run different subsets of the site depending on the problem, and easily change and add new containers.

Andrew Godwin is a Django core developer and the primary author of both South and the new Django migrations framework. He works as a Senior Software Engineer on Eventbrite’s Architecture team, and has spent much of the past decade making databases do things they were never designed for. In his spare time, he also enjoys archery and flies private planes.

Safe-ish by Default: How the Django Security Model Protects Your Apps, and How to Make It Better

Senior Software Engineer Philip James gives a deep-dive into the Django security model, and everything it does by default to make your apps safe. We’ll be doing a rundown of what’s enabled on a base Django install, some best practices to make your app even more safe, and some third-party packages and tools to lock down your Django Application.

Philip James is a Senior Software Engineer at Eventbrite. In his spare time, he writes novels, makes twitter bots, and gives technical talks. He used to run a webcomic, but there’s just no money in it, you know? Philip is a refugee from the video games industry, and wishes anyone still there the best of luck. Philip believes in the Web.

How I learned Django While Working at Eventbrite

We all are constantly learning new technologies and strategies to be more effective at our jobs, or just because they interest us. How do you balance the need to stay on top of the latest and greatest changes in our industry with making a product? How do you take a new hire with amazing potential and help them learn everything they need to know, while shipping at the same time? Shipping code as soon as possible isn’t a cutthroat business decision. It helps people learn faster, be more effective, feel more valued, and keeps them centered on the right goals. How do you balance learning with shipping code? Is there any reason they have to be separate? When Alli joined Eventbrite, she knew Java and Ruby. She’ll give some tips and strategies while saying what worked — and didn’t — when she was learning Django at Eventbrite.

Alli Lacker is a Senior Software Engineer who joined the team at the start of 2013 after spending two years in the Peace Corps. Her recent hits include building the Eventbrite Styleguide, a living centralized styleguide for the entire company, and working tirelessly to make our entire Event + Ticket Creation process responsive during Project Ubiquity. She works on the Discovery Team, which focuses on helping consumers find great events to attend through newsletters, search, and recommendations.

Tech Talk: Db Anti-Patterns and Service Integration

Last week we teamed up with SF Python Meetup to host another great Python Night. 180 Pythonistas, 71 pizzas and a full keg of beer later, we’d say it was a great night.

We kicked things off with lightning talks by Safia Abdalla on Data Wrangling with Python and Alison Alvarez on 2-D Spatial Data using Shapely.

Managing Identities: LDAP, Google Directory, and Django

Scot Hacker, a web application developer at the California College of Arts and creator of, took the stage first with a talk on the Django-based system they’ve created at the California College of Arts to help end-users and staff create and manage identities, passwords, groups, and permissions. Scot demonstrated how the system is unusual in that it uses almost no data modeling of its own, relying instead on communication via python-ldap, Google and Workday APIs, and old-school file shuffling to negotiate communications with other systems.

Dubious Database Design

Eventbrite’s very own Andrew Godwin, Senior Software Engineer, Django core developer and the author of South, the Django migrations framework. Andrew took us through advice and war stories (and failures) he’s faced in database design.  From re-implementing indexes to rendering templates purely in the database, we walked away from Andrew’s talk with red flags to look for and hopefully a few less real life failures we’ll need to learn from.

Barcamp Django SF Recap

Last month, we hosted the first BarCamp Django SF at our HQ. For 48 hours (yes, we slept here) 150 participants gave over 70 talks, tutorials, demos and other sessions. Check out our recap of the event, we’re looking forward to the next one!

Announcing BarCamp Django SF

We’re excited to announce that the first BarCamp Django SF will take place at Eventbrite’s San Francisco HQ October 4th-5th, 2014. For a solid weekend, Django developers and enthusiasts spanning all skill levels and coming from a wide range of backgrounds will come together in a friendly, cooperative environment designed to educate and inspire collaboration. For 30 hours we’ll learn, build, play, and connect with others.

BarCamp Django SF will run for two days from 10am Saturday (10/4) morning until 4pm Sunday  (10/5).  Doors will be open throughout the duration of the event, and attendees are welcome to camp out overnight. (If you do plan on camping, please plan on bringing your own camping gear: sleeping bag, blow up bed, pillows & blankets and a toothbrush.)

A BarCamp is an ad-hoc conference (an un-conference, if you will). At BarCamps, everyone who attends is expected to actively contribute in some way – by giving a talk, arranging an activity, getting involved in an interactive session or generally helping out with running the event.

Grab your ticket

BarCamp Django SF is a community event
What does that mean? First, 100% of the ticket price will be donated to the Django Software Foundation. This event will rely on donations for space, meals, technology, and everything else required to keep 150 developers fueled for 30 hours.

Second, everyone pitches in. Attendees give talks, select workshops, help with setup, cleanup, and taking care of the space. Not only does it help us keep costs low, it adds to the collaborative nature of the BarCamp.

Third, unlike regular conferences, the schedule for a BarCamp isn’t set in advance; instead, it’s organized by the attendees at the start of the event. The schedule starts as an empty grid, with rooms and time slots but no sessions. Participants then write down the session they want to run on an index card and assign themselves a slot on the grid.

How does ticketing work?
We are charging $15 a ticket to curb no-shows as space is limited, the event capacity is capped at 150 attendees to encourage participation from everyone. Again, all proceeds from ticket sales  are donated to the Django Software Foundation.

We’ll be releasing tickets in several rounds today and over the next few weeks to ensure equal access. Get your ticket here.

Limited numbers of tickets will be released on:

• 9/4 @ 10am PST
• 9/10 @ 4pm PST
• 9/17 @ 12pm PST
• 9/24 @ 8pm PST

We’re looking forward to building our community of Django enthusiasts. 

BarCamp Django SF is a professional event, and we want the space to be welcoming to all members of the community. All attendees must agree to abide by the Eventbrite Code of Conduct.