Welcoming the Winter Wise Woman to Heal The Ancestral Mother line

Welcoming the Winter Wise Woman to Heal The Ancestral Mother line

Join us for a magically powerful online Womb Blessing ® event " Healing the Ancestral Mother Line Using the Power of the Winter Wise Woman.

By AmaWomb - Amanda Woodford

Date and time

Thu, 17 Oct 2024 10:30 - 12:30 PDT




6:30 AM - 6:50 AM

Welcome and introduction to Womb Blessing ® evening

allow ladies to arrive on zoom settle in feel welcome reminder of what is required to take part.

6:55 PM - 7:15 PM

Womb Blessing ® Mediation & Attunement

Me Reading the Mediation opens the energetic gift of the Womb Blessing ® Attunement where you Sit quietly, relax and receive the beautiful energy for 15 minutes. The World Wide Womb Blessing ® is a b...

7:20 PM - 7:30 PM

Sharing Meditation

Send and receive light. I will Read the Sharing Meditation which will allow us all send and receive light and love from all the women taking part around the word via the meditation.

7:35 PM - 7:45 PM

Earth Yoni Blessing Meditation

The Earth-Yoni Blessing is a world wide sharing of Divine Mother energy in which participating women recieve the Earth Yoni Blessing energy to bring healing ,and restore sacredness, to their Yonis (A...

7:50 PM - 8:00 PM

'Healing The Mother Ancestors' Meditation

Within our bones within our DNA,we hold the patterns of our ancient Mother Ancestors- the mitochondrial line. This is the DNA which is passed on from mother to her daughters and sons, but it is only...

8:10 PM - 8:15 PM

Group Cauldron Energiser

As a Moon Mother I can offer this lovely healing as an extra bonus. we all have times when our energy levels are low and,especially for modern women, the energy centre that lies over our lower belly ...

8:15 PM - 8:30 PM

Celebration and Reflection

Honouring ourselves after completing all the meditations & healings celebrating our magical femaleness. Sharing how the evening felt for us

About this event

  • 2 hours

This October Full Moon Let Me Guide you through the meditations and healings and be part of World Wide Womb Blessing®. Receiving the magical power of the divine feminine Wise Women allows her to empower your female lineage by releasing old wounds and embracing the strength, courage and resourcefulness of that lineage into your everyday life and letting the energy of thousands of women taking part throughout the world enhance this vibration.

My name is Amanda of AmaWomb: Moon Mother ®Priestess of the Rose. My wish is to help you grow into the amazing, wonderful, and beautiful Woman that lies within by bringing you back to your female cyclical body awareness and creative wholeness. Allowing you to blossom like a summer Rose.

I invite you to experience the following with me:

  1. Learn about the powerful cycles of the moon and it’s connection with the Feminine Cycles An introduction to the 4 female archetypes of the Womb Blessing ®Maiden,Mother,Enchantress,Cone/Wise Women.
  2. World Wide Womb Blessing Meditation & Healing attunement holding the energy of divine love, specifically designed for a woman’s body..
  3. Meditations to connect with your core female roots, your Yoni, and Mother Earth to bring healing and sacredness to all women, With specific emphasis on Welcoming the Winter Wise Women/Crone she allows you to Receive the magical power of the divine feminine which allows her to empower your female lineage by releasing old wounds and embracing the strength, courage and resourcefulness of that lineage into your everyday life.
  4. Blessing to support us in living as authentic, heart-centred, and empowered women every day.

Here are some of the Gifts you’ll experience and receive from of this Womb Blessing ® attunement:

Physical healing: ; the blessing offers us deep healing especially linked to our root core energy that looks after our feminine cycles.

Emotional and mental healing:; releasing and clearing of old emotions, stresses and patterns, supporting us to love and accept our femininity more, to feel our purpose in life, and to create a new better life for ourselves.

Cycle balance and harmony:; supporting a return to a balanced menstrual cycle,bringing harmony to the emotional and mental expressions of its energies and phases.

Happiness and joy:releasing the guilt and restrictions placed on us so that we can bring harmony to the emotional and mental expressions of our feminine cycles

Peace and restoration:; providing a peaceful sanctuary from the stressful masculine world, bringing feminine restoration and inner reunion

Replenished creative and sexual energies: healing the bonds with Mother Earth and a reconnection to our womb centre,which is where our creative and sexual energies are.

Vitality:; feeling revitalised,centred and whole.

Sacredness of our body: reconnecting deeply to the light of the moon so that we grow in conscious awareness of the expression of the sacred feminine through our body, our cycles and the cycles of the moon and the universe.

Empowerment:; awakenings our self-confidence and inner strength, empowering us to grow in our femininity and create better lives for ourselves and the positive ripple effects of this.

Here are a few sharings from amazing and beautiful women who have joined me:

Amanda Thanks so much for holding such a beautiful space last night. You were so clear but light hearted too. It felt really cosy and welcoming. I felt such powerful energies coming through my body in the meditation, especially in my womb and at one point felt like I was floating up by the ceiling detached from my body! I didn't want to leave and was hanging around for some of that fizz.Chole 💚”

“Amanda The information you gave me regarding energy throughout my cycle has totally transformed my understanding of myself. I am incredibly grateful! Emma Fairthorne”

It was such a wonderful event to be part of and to experience! Thank you, Amanda,, for the opportunity, for the space you held for all of us, and for the loving guidance to our Divine Feminine Mye Hendrick

Thank you for such a wonderful experience last night, I loved it and had a beautiful night's sleep Mandy Copley

Please join me in a sacred circle of women. I look forward to sharing this lovely female energy with you.

In love and light,


Frequently asked questions

How do I access the zoom link

I have given full instructions on how to access the zoom link once an order has been placed in all following correspondence that you receive.

Can men attend this event

No as its an only female event

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