Transform your life with Mantra Meditation

Transform your life with Mantra Meditation

Immerse in Kirtan/ Chanting Ancient Songs in a Friendly Atmosphere and Conclude the day with a Free Vegetarian/ Vegan lunch

By Bhakti Yoga Institute


Bhakti Yoga Institute

Hazelmere Close Feltham TW14 9PX United Kingdom

About this event

    "Mantra" is a Sanskrit term, where "man" means "mind," and "tra" means "release." Consider a mantra—a word or phrase repeated during meditation—as a tool to release your mind. It can make a significant difference, especially if you struggle with concentration or getting into the right frame of mind.

    Many people find that using a mantra boosts awareness and improves concentration, potentially leading to enhanced results from meditation. Vedic chanting is said to offer solace, inner peace, and spiritual upliftment through consistent and sincere mantra repetition, elevating one to a higher level of consciousness.

    Discover more about the transformative power of the Maha Mantra and Bhakti Yoga during our session, starting with Kirtan/ Chanting Vedic Mantras at 11:45 am. The exploration continues with a talk on Bhakti Yoga at 12:30 pm, concluding with a delightful Vegetarian/Vegan lunch at 2 pm. All are welcome! Please let us know if you are coming by text or email: 07554446739 -

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