The Arts and Healthcare in East London - Networking Lunch and Workshop

The Arts and Healthcare in East London - Networking Lunch and Workshop

Networking event for organisations, charities, and individuals engaged across the arts and healthcare sectors in Hackney and Tower Hamlets.

By Queen Mary University of London / Creative Wick

Date and time

Wed, 7 Dec 2022 12:30 - 16:30 GMT


Room LG1, Queen's Building, Queen Mary University of London

Mile End Road London E1 4NS United Kingdom

About this event

Are you part of an organisation delivering participatory art activities in Hackney or Tower Hamlets? Or are you a link worker or other health or social care professional interested in fostering links with the local creative sector?

Queen Mary University of London, in collaboration with Creative Wick, are hosting a catered networking event at our Mile End campus (room to be confirmed), which we'd like to invite you to. The event aims at forging links between local arts organisations delivering social impact. It also aims at fostering discussion and sharing about the viability and value of creative industry provision for social prescribing in East London, and forging connections with the health sector and social prescribers.

The workshop will be hosted by Dr Maria Grazia Turri (Queen Mary University of London).

This event is part of a wider piece of research from Queen Mary University of London and Creative Wick, looking at the current state of social prescribing in East London. If you would like to learn more about this research, please contact the principal investigator Maria at

We are also running a survey aimed at arts organisations in Hackney and Tower Hamlets, seeking to understand their views on social prescribing, the impact of arts on health, and the current state of funding. We would be very grateful if you would be able to complete the survey here -

The location is Room LG1 (Lower Ground 1) in the Queens Building (building 19 on the above map) at Queen Mary University of London's campus on Mile End Road.

Full map and access guides can be found here:

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