Sleaford Riverlight	ECO Film Festival  -  19th to 21st June

Sleaford Riverlight ECO Film Festival - 19th to 21st June

Sleaford Climate Action Network is excited to present a 3 Day ECO Film Festival, featuring films from around the World.

By Sleaford Climate Action Network


Sleaford Masonic Rooms

8 Water Gate Sleaford NG34 7PG United Kingdom

About this event

  • 2 days 8 hours

More than 30 films will be shown during the 3 Day festival on different ECO themes, with an evening screening of a major feature film. Each evening performance is sponsored by a local organisation, namely The Hub, North Kesteven District Council and Sleaford Climate Action Network.

In the afternoons, (from 14.00 to approx 16.30), you can enjoy a selection of short eco films from around the world. These will be walk-in performances with booking not required.

The evening feature film performances will start at 19.00, (doors open at 18.30). The sponsor will introduce the film and after the screening we will have a short discussion/Q &A.

Admission to the evening show is free, but booking is required on Eventbrite, and donations will be accepted to help cover costs.

Refreshments will be available during the afternoon and a bar will be open in the evening.

The Riverlight ECO Film Festival is presented in conjunction with the Rural Action Film Festival, (


Wednesday 19th - Nature and Sustainability

Short Films from 14.00 - (afternoon programme list at

Main Film - The Nettle Dress at 19.00, sponsored by The Hub.

The film follows the seven-year long journey of textile artist Allan Brown as he learns how to produce textiles from locally foraged nettles – eventually making the eponymous dress from these special, place-specific fibres. Parallel to this story of slow textiles and the magical encounter between Allan and his local woodland are the tragic losses of his father, and of his wife, Alex. The film unfolds its textile narrative within a broader human story of loss and presence, and of the power of making as a source of healing, consolation and hope.



Thursday 20th June - The Future

Short Films from 14.00 - (afternoon programme list at

Main Film - 2040 at 19.00, sponsored by North Kesteven District Council

Award-winning director Damon Gameau embarks on a journey to explore what the future could look like by the year 2040 if we simply embraced the best solutions already available to us to improve our planet and shifted them rapidly into the mainstream. Structured as a visual letter to his 4-year-old daughter, Damon blends traditional documentary with dramatised sequences and high-end visual effects to create a vision board of how these solutions could regenerate the world for future generations.


Friday 21st June - Fossil Fuels, Plastic & Waste

Short Films from 14.00 - (afternoon programme list at

Main Film - The Oil Machine at 19.00, sponsored by Sleaford Climate Action Network

How can we break our addition to oil? Join us for a screening of the new film The Oil Machine for an inspiring screening and conversation on our energy future.

The Oil Machine explores our economic, historical and emotional entanglement with fossil fuels by looking at the conflicting imperatives around North Sea oil & gas. This invisible machine at the core of our economy and society now faces an uncertain future as activists and investors demand change. Is this the end of oil?

The film brings together a wide range of voices from oil company executives, economists, young activists, oil workers, pension fund managers, and considers how this machine can be tamed, dismantled or repurposed.Hashtag: #TheOilMachine




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