Silent Narratives: Unveiling the Unheard

Silent Narratives: Unveiling the Unheard

Oyoun opens its doors to us for an evening of information and dialogue. Organized in collaboration with Jüdische Stimme.

By Pa_allies

Date and time

Fri, 15 Dec 2023 19:30 - 22:30 CET


Oyoun, Lucy-Lameck-Straße, Berlin, Germany

Lucy-Lameck-Straße 32 12049 Berlin Germany

About this event

Together, we will watch the documentary "Silence Breakers," delving into the Israeli Army and exposing the harsh reality of suppressing the Palestinian population. After the screening, a panel discussion will follow, allowing us to critically examine the documentary from diverse perspectives. The focus will be on the one-sided narrative presented by Israeli soldiers and the idealization of those who break the silence. This discussion aims to highlight the contrast, noting that Palestinians have been breaking the silence for 75 years without receiving due attention and recognition.

The documentary will be screened with german subtitles. The panel discussion will be in english.

This event is free of charge and spots are limited. We kindly ask you to book responsibly. If you're unable to attend, please make sure to cancel in advance, allowing someone else the opportunity to participate.

Oyoun is a very important space for our communities. Make sure you are familiar with its Code of Conduct before your visit.

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