Panchakosha Reset in the Himalayas - Chasing Mastery (4 nights and 5 days)

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Namaste! Thank you for choosing this transformative experience! Let's customise your Wellness journey with the Country's best Coaches and Wellness Experts! Looking forward to serving you! Pranam Dr. Sai Giridhar

Panchakosha Reset in the Himalayas - Chasing Mastery (4 nights and 5 days)

Get ready to reset your mind, body, and soul in the serene Himalayas while chasing mastery in all five layers of your being at Panchakosha R

By Dr. Sai Giridhar

Date and time

Sat, 18 May 2024 06:00 - 21:30 IST


Tiaraa Hotels & Resorts

Naggar Road Manali, HP 175143 India

Refund Policy

No Refunds


8:00 AM - 9:30 PM

18 May - Day 1 - Travel to Manali - Bon Fire Ice Breaking programme

6:00 AM - 9:30 PM

19 May - Day 2 - Yoga/ Meditation - Values Unlimited Exercise - Annamayakosha

Visit to Snow fields and peaks

6:00 AM - 9:30 PM

20 May - Day 3 - Yoga/Meditation@ Nature - Pranamaya & Manomaya Reset

River Rafting on this day!

6:00 AM - 9:30 PM

21 May - Day 4 - Yoga/Meditation- Vijnanamaya & Anandamaya Reset

Visit to Hot water springs, Yogini Falls trek, Hidimba Temple & Forest.

6:00 AM - 4:00 PM

22 May - Day 5 - Yoga/Meditation - Drive back to Chandigarh

About this event

Panchakosha Reset in the Himalayas - Chasing Mastery

Join us for an unforgettable journey of self-discovery and transformation at Tiaraa Hotels & Resorts in the majestic Himalayas. This event is designed to help you reset your Panchakoshas - the five layers of your being - through a series of workshops, yoga sessions, and meditation practices. Immerse yourself in the serene beauty of the mountains as you embark on a quest for mastery over your mind, body, and spirit. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your consciousness and unlock your full potential. See you at the retreat!

Frequently asked questions

What is the cost?

INR 99000 for a participant (single occupancy - for 4 nights and 5 days), INR 89000 for a participant (twin sharing room with another participant), INR 119,000 (for a participant and a guest (non-participant))

What is amenities are included in the cost besides professional fees?

The cost is Chandigarh to Chandigarh. Innova Crystal Cars for transit. 5 Star resort accommodation and food for 4 nights and 5 days. Swimming pool, Gym and children's play access. Apple orchids in the property. Excursions to various site seeing locations in Manali including Snow fields.

Where do I have to reach and what time to start the retreat package?

Reach Chandigarh airport or nearby location on 18th May 2024 morning 8 am.

Are there any discounts?

Yes there are substantial referral discounts if you get 2 to 4 people to register. You will recieve it as a refund when your referrals register for the event.

What is the cost of attending the programme without accommodation at the 5 star and self-transport?

INR 50000

Organised by

Dr. Sai Giridhar is a Wellness expert, consultant and RCC certified coach trained in ICF (industry gold standard) coaching competencies, I use my expertise in human values, deep transformation techniques, and scientific research to help individuals and organizations achieve their goals and potential. I have a PhD in Clinical Biochemistry (Cardiology) and over 14 years of experience in teaching, researching and conducting programmes on topics related to self development, values, applied spirituality, ethics, and character building.

I have developed and facilitated mindfulness and meditation workshops, online courses, and retreats that integrate science and spirituality for self-development and self-transformation. I have also conceptualized and implemented a novel model for human values based self-assessment and self-development that has a high transformative potential for personal, professional and social well-being. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and insights as an international conference speaker in spirituality and psychology.

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