Introduction to Coppice Silviculture

Introduction to Coppice Silviculture

A one day course for foresters, land owners, ecologists and anyone interested in learning about this ancient system of woodland management.

By Mike Carswell -

Select date and time

Sat, 29 Jun 2024 09:00 - 17:00 GMT+1


Glenealy Village Hall

Chestnut Glen Glenealy Ireland


9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Morning session

Taking place in Glenealy Village Hall, Wicklow. A slide-show presentation showing examples of best practice, brief history of the subject in Ireland and plenty of opportunity for questions and discus...

12:00 PM - 12:45 PM


Wild venison stew with organic sourdough bread and butter - vegetarian option available. Tea and coffee.

1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Site visit

A site visit to nearby privately own woodland with in-rotation coppice woodland consisting of short rotation hazel coppice with oak standards and long rotation sweet chestnut coppice with standards.

About this event

There are only 10 places available on each day, but the course repeats 6 times from February to July 2024.

With regards to the new Irish Forestry Programme, which will include grant funding for coppicing and the coppice with standards system under the Woodland Improvement Grant, this workshop will help foresters, ecologists, forestry contractors, farmers, land owners, conservation groups and any other interested people gain a better understanding of how this silvicultural system can benefit income streams and biodiversity. Participants will be able to see via a detailed presentation and site visits how the system operates and be introduced to many of the various products, and by-products that coppicing offers. There will also be the opportunity to have any questions answered, as well as being provided with an historical and ecological perspective that will encourage a long-term vision for the sustainable management of their forest resource.

Hosted by Mike Carswell a qualified, professional coppice worker and graduate of the Bill Hogarth Memorial Apprenticeship Scheme (UK) with more than 15 years of experience in coppice restoration, establishment of new sites and extensive knowledge of the market for coppice related products.

This course is funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to be there before 9am?

Ideally yes, the course starts at 9am sharp!

Do I need to bring anything?

You may wish to bring pen and paper to make notes, there will be a printed handout too. Bring a cup for tea or coffee, a bowl and spoon for the lunch. You will also need appropriate footwear and clothing for the site visit, which will take place no-matter what the weather is doing!

I don't eat meat, will there be a vegtarian option?

Yes, just let me know of any dietary requirements when booking and I will accommodate you.

Can I bring my own lunch?

Of course! Your loss though.

Can I only come to either the morning or afternoon session?

You are welcome to attend the morning session only, but you will not be able to attend the afternoon site visit without first attending the morning session. Please contact me if you wish to discuss this.

Is there parking on site?

Glenealy Village Hall has plenty of parking and there will be ample parking at the site visit location. It would be beneficial to car-share to the site visit location, which is only a 10 minute drive from Glenealy Hall.

Will there be disabled access?

There is full wheelchair access at Glenealy Village Hall. Unfortunately the site visit will be mainly in the woods on very uneven ground and so there is no option for disabled access in the afternoon. Anyone who has access issues and wishes to attend is welcome to come to the morning session only.

Are there any options for coming by public transport?

There are trains to Wicklow town and Rathdrum town and a lift could be arranged from those locations. Please contact me in advance if you need to be collected.

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