Greener NHS Sustainability Networking Day

Greener NHS Sustainability Networking Day

Greener NHS Sustainability Networking Day

By Black Country Integrated Care System - Healthier Futures.

Date and time

Wed, 24 May 2023 09:00 - 16:00 GMT+1


Bescot Stadium

Bescot Crescent Walsall WS1 4SA United Kingdom

About this event

Are you interested in how we can deliver healthcare more sustainably? We want your help to make a difference

Black Country ICS is a key part of the Greener NHS agenda across our area. The change has already started and we have lots to share with you on our progress to date. Now we are looking for your help and support – if more of us make small changes into our everyday routines at home and at work, the more we can make a difference for the better for our local environment. These changes lead to improvements in health for both us and our local populations.

Suppliers who are working with us on the green agenda will also be on site on the day to share their experiences and showcase their products and services. They include Vanguard, BBraun, RightGreen and Warwick Medical.

Come along on Wednesday 24 May and hear from the regional Greener NHS team, our executive lead Tom Jackson and our local workstream leads about what changes/suggestions you can help to make and how you can play your part at our day event.

Click here to book your tickets.

Places are limited and allocated per organisation.

Afternoon Workshops include;

Travel and Transport -

Fran will discuss some of the projects that have been implemented at SWB NHS Trust (struggles and successes).

The workshop will be an opportunity to share practice, barriers, and success stories. It will also be a chance to generate ideas on how we can work more collaboratively, both within the NHS and in partnership with others.

Greener Care -

Clare will discuss what to look for when selecting clinical products, and how to get involved in greener product procurement.

Examples will include moving to reusables, lifecycle analysis, and estimating a product’s sustainability impact.

There will also be an opportunity to discuss your ideas and how your Trust can support you in putting them into practice.

Greener Medicines and Anaesthetic Gases -

Attendance at the medicines / anaesthetic gases workshop is recommended for Anaesthetists, ODPs, Clinical Directors, Pharmacists and Pain Management Leads

• How to identify and promote use of anaesthetic gases with lower emissions

• Our progress on removal of Desflurane Gas and reduction of Nitrous Oxide

• Measuring progress on emissions reductions

Waste Management and reuse

Don't miss your opportunity to join us for our “Share and Learn session: Waste Management – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Upcycle”. You will meet waste management practitioners, suppliers, NHS supply chain leads, etc who are passionate about sustainable waste management. This event will feature case studies, videos, panel discussions and interactive roundtables with suppliers to provide a comprehensive practical guide to achieve targets and deliver significant progress on your waste sustainability goals.

By attending this event, you will:

- Meet more than 100 attendees who are passionate about sustainability as well as professionals and industry experts.

- Have the chance to hear experiences direct from the “shop floor”.

- Network with like-minded attendees.

- Gain key takeaways on starting your own waste management innovation.

- Learn about best practices for implementing and establishing sustainable waste management

- Understand the challenges, such as reducing emissions, meeting reporting requirements, and realising savings.

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