Creative Agents- Planning for change and successful outcomes

Creative Agents- Planning for change and successful outcomes

Join Make/Shift & PlatformThirty1 for a session on planning for change and successful outcomes


Date and time

Thu, 27 Jun 2024 10:30 - 12:00 GMT+1


Riddings Park Community Centre

West Street Riddings DE55 4EW United Kingdom

About this event

  • 1 hour 30 minutes

Join Make/Shift & PlatformThirty1 for a session on planning for change and successful outcomes

This is a free workshop, led by Sam Whelan from Platform Thirty1. During the first half of the session Sam will be exploring how to develop project ideas with the end and learning process in mind. Thinking about timelines, budgets, risks and resourcing.

‘I believe there is endless possibility, playfulness and power to be garnered where we live when an authentic and creative ‘community first’ approach is facilitated. Together we can explore, endure, and spark a magic on our own terms with and for the wider community to become much greater than the sum of our parts. We can uncover and celebrate what matters, be brave to bathe in the uncharted together and develop our practice to make meaningful projects in new ways that are co-designed, and are owned and delivered with our neighbours on our own doorsteps’. Jodie Cresswell-Waring, Platform Thirty1.

During the second half of the session there will be a chance to find out more about our new Creative Agents programme, diving into the details of what to expect, the timeline and application process. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions and get support with your application.

“We know that most transformative work is led by people collaborating together in the places they care about. We also know that this work is always hard, messy and complex. We’re excited to create space for six Neighbourhood Creative Agents to share, learn and experiment together over the next year, supporting each other to spark creativity and connection in the places they live.“ Rachel Smith, Make/Shift

This is the third in a series of three workshops:

  • Workshop 1: The journey to co-creation (with Jodie Cresswell-Waring) 11th June- Infinite Wellbeing Centre - 3.30-5pm
  • Workshop 2: What it means to work on your doorstep (with Jodie Cresswell-Waring) 17th June- Somercotes Village Hall - 10-11.30am
  • Workshop 3: Planning for change and successful outcomes (with Sam Whelan) 27th June – Riddings Park Community Centre - 10.30am-12pm

Organised by

We are a small team collaborating with others to create projects which support communities in Amber Valley to make, do, create, repair, grow, share, care for and connect with what matters to them in the places that they live. Our vision is for Amber Valley to be a place full of makers, where everyone’s creativity matters as part of everyday life.