Connection, Breathwork & Ice bath Experience

Connection, Breathwork & Ice bath Experience

A group experience of feeling fully alive through breathwork, games, connection and facing challenge together

By Tom Breathes

Date and time

Sat, 29 Jun 2024 10:30 - 14:30 GMT+1



Near Ravensbourne station Bromley BROMLEY BR2 United Kingdom

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.


10:30 AM - 10:45 AM

Ice breakers and arrival

10:45 AM - 11:15 AM

Welcome and light movement

A meditation, light movement such as qi gong and welcome.

11:15 AM - 11:45 AM

Movement, games and fun

A lot of playful exercises in pairs and as a group moving us into a state of embodied presence

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Breathwork and Sound journey

You will be guided into a SOMA breath journey where you can tap into your higher self and the healing power of ancient wisdom through guided meditation, rhythmical breathing and amazing music.

1:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Ice bath

We will heat up our bodies with some energetic movement and then go into the cold together!

About this event

  • 4 hours

This group experience will leave you feeling rejuventated, connected to yourself and others, and give you tools for becoming resilient to life stress.

Learn how to strenghten your mind and control your inner world by being more in your body using the breath, movement, group support, connection, expression and playfulness in a non-judgemental space.

Together we will go into the cold, finding comfort in discomfort, using regulation techniques - making you stronger for life.

Who is this for?

  • Those who want to connect with others on a deeper level in a non-judgemental space
  • Anyone who just wants to laugh, connect and have fun
  • Those who want to be less ruled by their thoughts
  • Those who want to develop greater inner strength and resilience
  • Those who are willing to challenge themselves
  • Those who want to try a different version of themselves - peeling back the masks

A training tool for stress - Facing the ice together

The cold has many well documented physiological benefits (listed below) but for me it is even more potent as a tool for training myself to better handle life stress.

When we are tipped off balance by everyday events that are out of our control, e.g. an argument, an email, or just a sense of overwhelm, our body senses danger before we are conscious of what is happening. It is hard not to become tense and reactive, and we lose access to calm, rational thought. Our thoughts convince us that we need to fight, run or shutdown.

By wilfully going into adversity (cold water), coming into our body, by focusing on, and slowing down our breath, we signal a sense of safety to our nervous system. Physically we soften, then our mind follows. The other way round is much harder.

This process is transfer to every day, and can change your life, as it has mine!

Some physiological benefits of cold exposure include:

  • Improved immune system
  • Improved blood circulation
  • Increased energy
  • Decreased Inflammation
  • Improved Sleep
  • Regulate stress response
  • Increase mental control
  • Better mind body connection - Interoception
  • Better focus
  • Release positive hormones

A connecting group experience

This experience is about connection. When we feel seen, heard and witnessed without judgement we CO-REGULATE .

We see that we are not alone.

In a society where we are conditioned to play roles to 'fit in' authentic connection can feel scary. The core underlying belief being that if I revealed my true self I wouldn't be accepted.

This belief, leads us to repress feelings that get stored as tension in the body.

This group experience is about breaking this belief.

Using tried and tested activities you will engage your five senses and effortless and joyfully connect with others.

Enjoy a guided SOMA breathwork and sound healing journey

You will be guided into a SOMA breath journey where you can tap into your higher self and the healing power of ancient wisdom through guided meditation, rhythmical breathing and amazing music.

A few benefits of the breathwork

  • Improves CO2 tolerance and nitric oxide production.
  • Improves oxygenation of tissue cells.
  • Reduces tension.
  • Trains oxygen efficiency.
  • Improves cardiovascular health.
  • Trains concentration and meditation.
  • Stimulates both hemispheres of the brain.
  • Stimulates neurogenesis and ‘brain change’.


This day retreat experience is priced at £80. Currently, tickets are on Early Bird Sale at £35 (until 15th June or the first five people to buy them).

L ocation - Bromley, BR2

  • 5 min walk from Ravensbourne station
  • 15 minute walk from Shortlands
  • Taxi ride or easy connection from Bromley South or 30 minute walk
  • The exact location will be sent to you on ticket purchase

Promotional material

I may take some photo / video material for promotional purposes. If this is an issue then you can speak to me directly.

About me

My name is Tom and I am a coach and facilitator. I combine life coaching with somatic coaching and the breathwork to help you to get to know yourself better and empowering you to step into the life that you want.

Much of what I bring comes from my own experience with an autoimmune condition which taught me that stepping into challenge and the unknown is where I thrive, the opposite of the life I was living in a reactive, survival state.

At the heart of getting what we want is learning to surrender and let go.



What will you get from attending?

  • A lot of fun!
  • Learn what it means to be connected to your whole body and less controlled by your thoughts - Why embodied presence is so important.
  • Learn to accept more of yourself through sharing with others (in pairs)
  • Connect with the child in you
  • Access deeper parts of your mindbody through a guided breathwork journey
  • A chance to express yourself verbally and non-verbally in a playful and non-judgemental environment
  • Learn somatic practices and tools for being more regulated when life is happening
  • Confidence to be yourself more – care less about what others think

In their own words:

" [I gained] the insight that I can actually self regulate during times of anxiousness, stressful events, I guess I used to be stuck in the freeze or fight/flight state, and it’s amazing how body and breath can be used as tool to bring ourselves back!!"

“For me it was everything, it was the breathing, the people and I really liked the ice breakers and connection at the beginning, just to kind of ease some nervousness and tension…and I really liked the chanting, definitely something that I’d revisit.”

“For me the breathwork was by far the most powerful [part] because it almost takes you into an alternative reality and it really gave me a lot of clarity and insight and it's something that I’ll be able to take into my day as well”

“It was really nice to be in an environment where everyone was listening really deeply to one another and I really enjoyed the musical accompaniments to the deeper internal work, which was really nice and worked really well together”

Frequently asked questions

Some of the activities sound a bit challenging

The day is about exploring who we are in a space that is nurturing, fun and non-judgemental. The day is facilitated to create as much safety and comfort as possible to allow us to explore our edges whilst respecting that everyone is different. No exercises are compulsory.

I've never done anything like this before

I am running these events for everyone, whether you've been to loads of retreats or are dipping your toe for the first time!

What touch will be involved?

Touch is a powerful tool for connection and we use light touch in some activities to amplify playfulness and connection. All exercises are optional, fully respectful and consensual. This is not a tantra workshop. This is not a place for sexual contact or hookups.

Is this for men and women?

Yes of course! All genders and identities welcome. It is great to have a balance of masculine and feminine. I run separate workshops just for men as well.

What is breathwork?

There will be a guided breathwork meditation which will be fully explained by myself (a certified SOMA breath instructor). This involves breathing rhythmically with music to take our mind and body into a more connected state where we can access 'higher' levels of consciousness.

Will I have to talk in front of the whole group?

No. All expression is done in pairs. You are welcome to express as little or as much as you are comfortable with with the whole group.

Organised by

Early bird discount
£35 – £80