Collection Development Priorities - Exchange of Experience (University of Liverpool)


Date and time

Tue, 30 Oct 2018 10:00 - 15:30 GMT


University of Liverpool

Sydney Jones Library Liverpool L7 7BD United Kingdom


What's it all about?

Here is the programme for the day:

10.00 Arrival/ Tea & Coffee/ Registration

10.30 Welcome & Introduction

10.35 NoWAL Serials Update

Elizabeth Gillespie

10.45 Moving Towards a New Approach: Subscriptions at the University of Liverpool

Kath Halfpenny & Jeff Woods, University of Liverpool

11.10 A Collaborative Approach to Managing the Learning Materials Fund

Elaine Sykes, Sarah Robbins & Denise Minde, Liverpool John Moores University

11.35-11.45 Break

11.45 The Annual Renewals Exercise: How Manchester Metropolitan University makes Decisions regarding Subscriptions

Helen Monagle, Manchester Metropolitan University

12.10 Aggregated Content: Finding a New Supplier

James Allen, University of Salford

12.35 -1.20 Lunch

1.20 Guided by Beacons: Using Keyword Matching to Shine a Light on Suitable Resources for our Researchers

Ruth Burns, University of Manchester

1.45- 2.00 Break

2.00-2.30 Plenary & Discussion

Who is the event aimed at?

The event is aimed at Managers and Supervisors.

Organised by

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