AML supervisory reform- legal sector roundtable 2

AML supervisory reform- legal sector roundtable 2

HM Treasury roundtable for the legal sector on AML/CTF supervisory reform

By HM Treasury

Date and time

Fri, 22 Sep 2023 02:00 - 03:30 PDT



About this event

In June 2023, HM Treasury published a consultation on reform of the anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing (AML/CTF) supervisory system. The consultation sets out four models for the supervision system, and assesses them against three consultation objectives- supervisory effectiveness, system coordination and feasibility.

During the consultation period, HM Treasury wants to engage with as many stakeholders as possible, so that we understand the diversity of perspectives on supervisory reform. This roundtable is the second of two that will be aimed at providing an opportunity for legal sector firms to put forward their views. It will be conducted virtually using Microsoft Teams.

For your reference, there is a link to the consultation document here: Reforming anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing supervision - GOV.UK (

We also conducted a one-hour webinar explaining the contents of the consultation, and the background to the supervisory reform project. There is a recording of the webinar here:

**If you have any questions about this event, or if the roundtables are fully-booked, but you still wish to attend, please contact us at If there is sufficient demand, we will consider adding additional dates **

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