Registrations are closed

活動名額已滿,現已截止報名,多謝各位踴躍支持!歡迎到designdistrict.hk瀏覽其他活動或藝術裝置展覽。 The activity is fully booked, and registration is now closed. Thank you all for your enthusiastic support! Please feel free to visit to explore other activities or art installations on display.

主題導賞: 創意藝術之旅 (普通話)Themed Tour: Creative Art Tour (Putonghua)

#ddHK 策展團隊帶你看盡七組藝術裝置,了解其中的內涵和深度!The #ddHK curatorial team takes you on a journey to explore seven captivating art installations!

By #ddHK Design District Hong Kong 設計#香港地

Date and time

Sat, 26 Aug 2023 10:30 - 13:00 HKT



Sai Lau Kok Garden Tsuen Wan Hong Kong

About this event

「#ddHK設計#香港地⸺藝遊未盡・荃灣」的七組藝術裝置不但精彩奪目,更富有內涵和深度。策展團隊Way of Difference為你逐一導覽這些藝術裝置,介紹創作單位的背景、各項作品的獨到之處和背後的創作理念。 星級領隊Chris梁彥宗亦會與你同行!




#ddHK Vivid Tsuen Wan's seven art installations are more than just pretty sights. Way of Difference, our curatorial team, will lead you on an up-close tour of these works, enabling you to learn about the artists' backgrounds, the inspiration behind each piece, and the unique aspects of each installation. Chris Leung, the esteemed travel influencer, will join you throughout the trip!

Date: 26.08.2023(SAT)

Time: 10:30-13:00

Assembly Point: Sai Lau Kok Garden (outside the Multi-purpose Room)

關於Way of Difference

創意設計單位Way of Difference熱衷於商業創作、與來自五湖四海的藝術家合作和交流。他們深信藝術的力量能點亮和提升社區,遂於今年「#ddHK設計#香港地——藝遊未盡・荃灣」以策展團隊的身份,與多個國際和本地的創作單位聯乘合作,希望為荃灣注入創意活力,凝聚社區氣氛,並加強遊客和本地人之間的文化交流。

About Way of Difference

Way of Difference is a boutique creative agency with a wealth of experience in the creative industry that works with artists worldwide.

They curated the event Design District Hong Kong (#ddHK) Vivid Tsuen Wan with the belief that art has the power to transform and revitalise communities, and by collaborating with international and local creative teams, they bring life to the neighbourhood while also encouraging a sense of community and cultural exchange among tourists and locals.


旅遊節目主持人及監製,本着「世界好大,唔睇好嘥」的精神,主理了多個體驗式旅遊節目,包括Viu TV《放浪美利堅》、《放浪加勒比》、J2《背遊》系列等等。同時為電台主持以及專欄作者,2019年和2023年分別推出兩本寫作作品《就這樣,背遊地球。》和《再一次,放浪地球》。

About Chris Leung

Chris is a travel show presenter and producer. His shows embody a penchant for nature and a spirit of adventure, featuring destinations such as the Americas, North Africa, Central Asia and the Caribbean. Outside the TV realm, Chris is also a radio show host and an online columnist. In 2019 and 2023, he published two books documenting his travel stories, namely "就這樣,背遊地球。"and" 再一次,放浪地球" respectively.


  1. 活動名額先到先得,額滿即止。
  2. 由於旅遊巴位置有限,活動只限報名者參加。未經報名的同行者恕不招待,敬請見諒。
  3. 每人每項活動只限報名一次。重複報名者,一經發現,有機會被取消資格。
  4. 12歲以下小童,須由家長或監護人陪同下方可參加。小童及監護人均須預先報名。
  5. 參加者於成功報名後,將透過電郵收到二維碼(QR code)。請於活動當日攜同二維碼予主辦單位確認參加資格。未能出示二維碼者,有機會被取消參加資格。
  6. 請準時到達集合地點,逾時不候。
  7. 活動期間,攝影機可能會捕捉和錄製參加者的面孔,以作推廣和存檔之用,而毋須預先通知。參加此活動即表示閣下同意主辦單位在活動期間拍攝你的影像,及使用你的肖像。
  8. 參加本導賞團需要上落梯級,並於每個景點下車後步行約10至20分鐘,申請者請自行衡量身體狀況是否適合參加,或是否需要由照料者陪同和協助參加。
  9. 如欲取消報名,或有任何疑問,請電郵至。
  10. 如有任何爭議,「#ddHK設計#香港地——藝遊未盡・荃灣」的主辦單位將保留最終決定權,包括隨時暫停、更改或終止活動,而毋須另行通知。請瀏覽官方網站 獲取最新資訊。

Notes to Participants:

  1. The activity has limited slots available on a first-come, first-served basis. Once the slots are filled, registration will be closed.
  2. The activity is only open to registered participants due to limited seating capacity on the tour bus. Unfortunately, we won't be able to accommodate any unregistered companions. Thank you for your understanding.
  3. Each person is allowed to register for each activity only once. Duplicate registrations may result in disqualification.
  4. Children aged 12 and below must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to participate. Both the child and the accompanying adult must register in advance.
  5. After successful registration, participants will receive a QR code via email. Please bring the QR code on the day of the activity for verification by the organiser. Failure to present the QR code may result in disqualification.
  6. Please arrive at the designated meeting point on time. Latecomers will not be accommodated.
  7. During the activity, cameras may capture and record you for promotional and archival purposes without prior notice. By participating in this activity, you hereby consent to use your image and likeness as captured during the activity.
  8. Please note that this guided tour requires participants to climb stairs and walk for approximately 10 to 20 minutes at each destination. Applicants are advised to assess their physical condition to determine if they are fit to participate. Individuals may consider being accompanied by a carer for assistance during the tour if necessary.
  9. If you wish to cancel your registration or have any inquiries, please email us at
  10. In case of disputes, the organiser of Design District Hong Kong (#ddHK): Vivid Tsuen Wan reserves the rights of final decision, including suspending, terminating or changing details of the activity without prior notice. Please visit the official website at to obtain the latest information.


  • 三號或以上颱風信號,或紅色 / 黑色暴雨警告信號於活動開始前三小時內的任何時間生效,活動將會改期或取消。
  • 如活動進行時懸掛八號颱風信號或發出紅色 / 黑色暴雨警告信號活動即告取消。
  • 如活動因其他惡劣天氣而需要取消,我們將於活動2.5小時前透過電話或電郵與你聯繫。

Adverse Weather Arrangements:

  • If Typhoon Signal No. 3 or above or Red/Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is issued within three hours before the start of the activity, the activity will be rescheduled or cancelled.
  • If Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above or Red/Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is hoisted during the activity, the activity will be cancelled.
  • If the activity needs to be cancelled due to other adverse weather conditions, we will contact you by phone or email 2.5 hours before the activity.

Frequently asked questions

小童可否參加? Can children join the tour?

12歲或以下小童,須由家長或監護人陪同下方可參加。小童及監護人均須預先報名。 Children aged 12 and below must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to participate. Both the child and the accompanying adult must register in advance.

Sales Ended