Gangs Training (In Person event)

Gangs Training (In Person event)

Enhance intervention skills and support for gang-affected youth & families, explore multi-agency work, and discuss gang-related forums.

By CSCP Training

Date and time

Thu, 18 Jan 2024 13:00 - 16:00 GMT


Croydon Town Hall

Katharine Street Croydon CR0 1NX United Kingdom

About this event

Youth gangs are still a prominent issue in London, and professionals from different fields frequently encounter it. The training program aims to equip attendees with practical skills to assist young people and families affected by gang-related activities, as well as provide an overview of the various multi-agency efforts and forums addressing this concern.

The program will also incorporate insights from local practice reviews such as County Lines, Child Exploitation, and Contextual Safeguarding, allowing participants to learn from past experiences

Learning objectives

  • To understand the vulnerability factors which may lead a young person to join a gang.
  • To have a broad understanding of gangs operating in Croydon.
  • To identify the cross agency work around gangs and the various forums where they are discussed (MASE, MARAC, FAP, Missing Persons Panel, JAG).
  • To be aware services currently supporting young people and professionals around gangs and the referral process for these
  • To be aware of multi-agency developments responding to issues of County Lines, Child Exploitation and Contextual Safeguarding.

Booking Policy

Upon booking a course, a confirmation email will be sent to the registered email address. Additionally, attendees will then receive an automated reminder email that is scheduled to be sent.

  1. one week prior to the training
  2. one day prior to the training

A final reminder will be sent up to 15 minutes before the training session. If confirmation emails are not received, it is advisable to verify the accuracy of the email address or inspect the junk mail folder.

**On the occasion reminder emails are not received it is the responsibility of the attendee to make a note of the date and time of the training at the time of booking and follow up with CSCP training with any questions.

Cancellations and No-shows

Eventbrite is a self-service platform where attendees can make cancellations. Cancellation via Eventbrite is the preferred option as this prevents delays in acknowledgment. Eventbrite will send a cancellation to the registered email address a copy will also be sent to the CSCP training mailbox.

Notice of non-attendance must be provided at least three working days before the training. This is to allow notice to be given to trainers, and venues and for waiting list tickets to be released to other attendees.

As of the 1st of September 2023, attendees who fail to show up will be added to the no-show list and will be restricted from booking further events for the next six months. This stringent measure is necessitated by the escalating financial burden incurred by the CSCP due to unused slots for training events. Cancellation notices received on the day of the event will also place the attendee on the no-show list.

The training policy can be read in full in the training section on the CSCP website.

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