2019 Guide to Event Sponsorship

This guide is for event professionals who are running large-scale events and want to future-proof their ability to win and retain sponsors. You know that sponsors add an important revenue stream to your event and help you deliver enormous value to your attendees.

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Sponsorships can be the difference between a sustainable events business — or stalled growth.

But finding the right sponsors for your event can seem like an endless effort. And keeping your sponsors year after year can feel nearly impossible.

Download the 2019 guide to event sponsorship to learn how to:

  • Identify new sponsorship opportunities and develop those relationships
  • Pinpoint what sponsors want from your event
  • Close next year’s sponsors today


What is sponsorship?

If you’re having difficulty answering that question, you’re in good company. “It used to be a pretty simple answer,” says Larry Weil. Larry is the Sponsorship Guy. And with nearly two decades of experience and over 4,000 brand and industry contacts, it’s a title he’s proudly earned.

“Most people think of sports sponsorships like McDonald’s and the U.S. Olympic team, or Bud Light and the NFL. But there’s much more to it than that.”

On the surface, sponsorship is a highly specialized branch of advertising and marketing, connecting brands to their customers. But as Larry Weil said already, there’s much more to it than that. In a recent survey, event professionals were asked to rank their sponsorship challenges from least to greatest.

The results seem to suggest an answer to why so many professionals, the experts included, have a hard time defining sponsorship succinctly. Respondents said that securing sponsors for their event was just as difficult as finding them – which was only marginally more difficult than approaching sponsors and measuring and evaluating sponsorship return on investment (ROI). The emerging pattern in these responses show that events aren’t struggling with any single aspect of event sponsorship – it’s the entire process.