Tracking Method Calls During Testing

Our automated testing is broken into two broad areas: unit tests and integration tests. Unit tests are where we test the domain logic for our models, with few dependencies. The tests may hit a MySQL database to Django ORM related logic, but the test runner can’t access external services or things like Cassandra. (We’re using Django and the Django test runner, which creates test databases during setup. You may object that hitting the database means these aren’t “unit” tests. I agree. Nonetheless, we call them unit tests.) Our integration tests, on the other hand, are run against full builds of the site, and have access to all of the services that our site normally does. Continue reading “Tracking Method Calls During Testing”

Whirlwind Week: OSCON and PyOhio

I spent last week attending two very different conferences. In both cases I was honored to have the opportunity to present the work I’ve been doing at Eventbrite. It was exciting to me that even though the conferences were different in just about every way — size, venue, focus, geography, cost — they were filled with people working on interesting technologies and ideas.

Continue reading “Whirlwind Week: OSCON and PyOhio”