Car Repair Now

Atlanta georgia auto repair service | I have just been promoted to service manager at a car repair and service centre. The previous manager has used up all my other ideas and now the spotlight is on me I am a bit stuck wondering where to go and what to do. Thanks in advance. Basically… What would you want if you were a customer of your business? Sit down with a piece of paper and pen; walk yourself through the experience mostly all step of the way. From the first thought of “I need car service” to when you drive out of the parking lot. How can you improve each step? What value can you add? If you don’t already, start any kind of program for repeat customers that makes them feel special and offers discounts. . And advertise it. Stand out. Don’t offer ‘Buy 3 tires, get 4th free’ unless no one around is doing it.

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Atlanta georgia auto repair service | I have just been promoted to service manager at a car repair and service centre. The previous manager has used up all my other ideas and now the spotlight is on me I am a bit stuck wondering where to go and what to do. Thanks in advance. Basically… What would you want if you were a customer of your business? Sit down with a piece of paper and pen; walk yourself through the experience mostly all step of the way. From the first thought of “I need car service” to when you drive out of the parking lot. How can you improve each step? What value can you add? If you don’t already, start any kind of program for repeat customers that makes them feel special and offers discounts. . And advertise it. Stand out. Don’t offer ‘Buy 3 tires, get 4th free’ unless no one around is doing it.


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