The Realistic Code Reviewer, Part II

Once you have a strong foundation for being a realistic code reviewer, you’re finally ready to move into the actual code itself.

Rely on established patterns more than personal style

A common mistake in a code review is recommending things you’re used to seeing rather than well-documented patterns. The problem with this approach—besides reflecting a lack of thoughtfulness or desire to find the best solutions—is it can create a lack of trust. If your ego and personal preferences get in the way, you’ll lose the trust and confidence of the author—and the code suffers as a result.

Never forget: the perspective we offer should be a helpful flag for the author, not simply an opinionated comment from someone who isn’t the one actually writing the code.

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The Realistic Code Reviewer, Part I

So you’re on board with presenting code for others to review—but what the flipside of this?

Code review isn’t always easy to get right. Like any form of communication, it’s often fraught with opportunities for miscommunication and confusion—but working through these challenges for an improved end-result is immensely valuable. We’re here to help.

'And when did you last see your father?', 1878 by William Frederick Yeames

Consider your ability to support the author before offering a critique

Making regular, bite-sized code reviews a part of your normal development process is a crucial first-step toward making this part of your process. But it’s more than just the first round of feedback that matters. Supporting the developer you’re reviewing is just a critical as your initial technical review.

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Code Review: The art of writing code for others

Writing code is no longer a solo activity. Instead, reading and working within existing code has become far more important.

So how should we be changing our development process knowing that code is meant to be written once, but be read many times?

At Eventbrite, code review has become one of our most productive habits for building better things together. Making sure we write and modify code in a way that others—and our future selves!—can read well requires a new mindset and some deliberate choices.Code Review

We don’t work alone anymore.

Plenty of us crave time alone to solve a problem from beginning to end, but we’re not doing ourselves any favors with that approach. Ultimately, shutting out input from a healthy variety of stakeholders is the fastest way to end up with a faulty, less robust solution.

If we want to write and maintain code that’s readable for lots of other people, we need to work with lots of other people.

Iterating through a rapid feedback loop with others before jumping straight into the code is often the best way of arriving at a strong solution—even more so when the code has been written by someone else and we’re modifying it.

Only a broad and deep understanding of the relevant context allows us to ultimately build an elegant solution that benefits anyone affected by it.

Continue reading “Code Review: The art of writing code for others”