Setting Boundaries with Children

Setting Boundaries with Children

Building Closeness and Cooperation through Limits


Date and time

Thursday, August 29 · 6:30 - 8:30pm PDT



About this event

  • 2 hours

Instructor Julie Johnson, M.Ed. and BANANAS’ Parenting Coach

Thu, Aug 29 | 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Are power struggles with your child leaving you frustrated and exhausted? Are you wondering why your child can’t seem to listen? Are your own frustrations spilling over at home? Every child has off-track moments—refusing to brush their teeth, being rough with the family pet, ignoring instructions, pestering their sibling. Conventional discipline techniques over smaller difficulties can sometimes escalate into mounting stress on all sides. This workshop will provide insights and strategies to help you set firm, warm limits in a way that connects you and your child and fosters cooperation in your family.

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