PVWG Open Meeting: Data, Research, and Current Trends

PVWG Open Meeting: Data, Research, and Current Trends

Please join DFN’s Political Violence Working Group for a deep dive on political violence data and research and current trends.

By Democracy Funders Network

Date and time

Wednesday, February 1, 2023 · 11am - 12:30pm PST



About this event

The United States is suffering from a significant rise in political violence. Incidents including the January 6 insurrection, attack on Paul Pelosi, attempted attack on Justice Kavanaugh, anti-Semitic comments by high-profile individuals, and deluge of threats to election administrators, have made clear the scope of the problem. It is critical that philanthropy respond.

The DFN Political Violence Working Group’s first meeting of the year is open to all funders in the DFN community. In this deep dive on data and research, we will get an update on the current state of political violence in the U.S. and what threats we should expect to face in 2023 and 2024. We will learn about how leading data and research organizations track political violence, analyze incident data, and use their findings to support prevention and mitigation work. We’ll also discuss bright spots in the political violence data and research field, and how we can strengthen the field to increase our understanding of this problem space.

Featured speakers:

DFN’s Political Violence Working Group is a forum for funders interested in preventing and mitigating political violence. Members meet monthly to connect with and learn from each other and leading practitioners in the space, and to explore political violence trends, intervention bright spots, and needs in the field. Email DFN Program Director Carly Straus to learn more at carly@thirdplateau.com.

PVWG members - no need to register here, you already have all the event details.

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