MINDSHOP™| How to Build Robust Startups with Lean Canvas

MINDSHOP™| How to Build Robust Startups with Lean Canvas

How lean business model canvas can elevate your understanding of innovation best practices and the intra-corporate entrepreneurial skills

By Kat Usop, MSHI



. . 00000 OSLO Norway

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About this event

    What is this 2-hour REPLAY course about?

    This is an online masterclass focusing on introducing you as to how lean business model canvas can elevate your understanding of innovation best practices and the intra-corporate entrepreneurial skills needed to lead innovation projects, teams, and strategies. 

    The Lean Canvas is more actionable and entrepreneur-focused. It deeply focuses on startup factors such as uncertainty and risk. In this masterclass, the aim is that you can capture a 1-page diagram of your startup vision efficiently. 

    Module 1: Brainstorm Possible Outcomes 

    • Distinguish between customers and users
    • Split broad customer segments into smaller ones
    • Sketch a Lean Canvas for each customer segment

    Module 2: Sketch Multiple Lean Canvas

    • Sketch a canvas in one sitting
    • It's okay to leave sections blank
    • Think in the present
    • Use a customer-centric approach

    Module 3: Problem and Customer Segments

    • List top 3 problems
    • List existing alternatives
    • Identify other users roles
    • Hone in one possible early adopters
    • Post-Masterclass Design challenge 

    Module 4: Unique Value Proposition

    • Answer: What, Who, and especially *Why*


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    Hi! I am a nomad Eng'r in Health & AI space (NYIT, ex-Duke, ex-Mizzou). I create & share knowledge from real-world experiences. I build sustainable ventures while traveling long-term.