MatterHackers and Building Momentum Happy Hour!

MatterHackers and Building Momentum Happy Hour!

Join Building Momentum and MatterHackers for a networking Happy Hour! Drinks and food provided.

Date and time

Monday, April 8 · 6 - 9pm EDT


The Garden Alexandria

5380 Eisenhower Avenue #Suite C Alexandria, VA 22304

About this event

Building Momentum and MatterHackers are parterning up for the ulimate maker happy hour experience! Come and meet with folks from the community who are also doing additive manufacturing in the DoD. Or come and just learn how to get involved. Event is not just for DoD and is open to all in the area.

You do not have to be regiestered for Sea, Air, and Space to come to this event.

Building Momentum is a world class training organization that travels the world teaching coding, 3D printing, electronics, drones, and more. In Alexandria VA we have a facility that is over 30 thousand square feet or workshops, teaching facilities, event spaces, and more. Come see the state-of-the-art Phillips Additive Hybrid metal 3D printing and CNC device that we have tested for the Navy, or SAMTEC the device used to test 3D printers at different sea states to spot any issues, and while you are here even check out our training facility that is used to teach kids k-12 everything from welding to 3D printing. Take a tour and learn about our training while also seeing the network of fellow makers and professionals who are making a difference.

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